Chapter 27

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4/17/05 - 3:00AM  - Granville, KS

        The man General Jason Hardcastle knew as Superman got away and he was furious.  All his planning was ruined no thanks to Blankenship and Steve Trevor.  He had intended to encourage his old friends to take action.  If it wasn't for those air force officers he would have convinced them to bring Superman within that cell and then he'd be allowed to kill him.

        Instead those two had to question General Lane and bring in Diana to question.  Worse the person who questioned her was Steve Trevor himself.  Those two always seemed to do the most damage together.  Despite the captain's doubts he was more than ready to help her.

        Diana then triggered the blackout and though he was glad to be out he, wanted Superman to suffer.  But she was there and it was impractical to kill him there.  He needed to draw him out, it was the only chance he had left.  In order to do that he needed to give Clark a reason to walk out and challenge him without Diana there to assist him.  He needed the people to see him as the threat that he felt he truly was, then he'd call upon the army.  But he thought to himself how he was going to do that.

        He had the Diana's computer, a nice little set up with some files and a few link ups. However the computer was heavily restricted with almost everything locked out.  He had no time to crack the password. He may be half man/half machine but he barely knew how to work a computer this advanced.  Heck his present day version could barely get a computer to work.

        He looked at everything, a file containing some strange vision for the camera, another was obviously a night vision camera.  But then he found some type of audio/visual device that once a sound keyed into a person's brain could be able to transmit images and audio into a person's mind or into their every single device with an audio or video transmission.  It could even extract the images out, realizing that this was what she intended to use on everyone who had found out about her and every change he and she had done when they time-traveled.

        He could issue a threat to Clark Kent and tell him to come out of hiding.  But he wasn't going to threaten an innocent human only those like the Kents, people he believed to be traitors to their species.  But he needed something to threaten with.  The information on the computer was scarce, he knew Diana must have hacked into the military computers to falsify a clearance. She had kept eyes on someone by using their phone or computer.  But he couldn't find any of it.  But what other records, or physical proof could she have shown to get the young Superman to trust her?

He then remembered the teenaged version of Superman originally hated the planet of his origin.  If he could find something that she'd show him to change his mind. He then looked and continued looking into some files and found something called 'Legacy of the Houses of An and El.'  He was able to access the files but this was going to take some time.  Thankfully he didn't require that much rest.  And as interesting as it was to be in that cell, he managed to find some time to rest and meditate.  I will have my revenge!

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