Chapter 40

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Hello.  I hope you are enjoying reading this story.  I just want to say that in this chapter I have included a song to be played near the beginning.  I felt given the mood of the story, I needed a song to set the mood.  Given that its here that Diana returns back in time and Clark returns to his life without her that the song would be a declaration of his feelings.  Please comment, vote and enjoy.


4/18/05 - 11:40PM  - Kawatche Caves - Smallville, KS

        Clark zipped across town as he made it to the cave.  Clark looked around the paintings knowing how much his ancestor had come to enjoy his time on Earth and how he himself felt such great joy for the human race and Earth.  He then looked upon the painting which was what Nam-An though was his Magnificent.  That bracelet with the jewel belonging to the woman he would be destined to be with.  At first he believed it was Lana or even Lois but she was supposed to be with him for as long as he lived.  Even though Diana described his love affair with Lois as a thing of fairy tales.  Unfortunately her murder at the hands of a sadistic enemy had curtailed that idea.

        He stood there looking sadly at the picture until he heard a clear melodic voice echo inside the cave. 

        He turned around and saw Diana.  Clark had been amazed by Diana's beauty but thanks in part to what happened to his heart yesterday he wondered for the briefest moment if he wasn't still suffering the effects of his encounter yesterday.  His heart was pounding out of his chest and could barely breathe.  

        Diana smiled as she saw how much her appearance was effecting Clark as she stood before him dressed in an elegant purple dress made in a classical Greek style as Diana looked absolutely gorgeous.  Clark saw the curves of her body from her legs, hips, butt, waist and her breasts hugged the dress she wore beautifully.  Her hair was very lovely too, he wondered what she must have done to style her hair so quickly.  But given super-speed even a woman could do anything. He couldn't help keep his thoughts to himself.

"You are so beautiful Diana."

"Thank You, Kal-El."  Clark once used to hate being called that name,  but thanks to her, he never wanted anyone else to call him that but her.

"I'm sure your friends told you about how the dress shop owner offered me to try on this dress.  Well as it turns out after what I did for you she not only offered me to try it on, but to keep it.  I offered her money, gold and jewels but she refused.  She felt that only I was meant to have it and would be insulted if I paid her for something that was priceless to her.  I promised her to look her up when I get back home and if she was still around I'd offer her a job or at least a respectable estate on my island."

Clark could only nod his head over how gracious Diana and her new friend were like.  She was walking closer barefoot on the pebbled ground of the cave as she moved with such grace that to Clark it seemed was proof that she was a goddess.

"Besides I feel its the perfect thing to wear.  For someone very special. You."

"My mother and my friends would have given anything to see you try it on.  They made such a big deal and I can see why.  You are absolutely perfect.  Why do I deserve this?" 

"Do you see that painting over there Kal-El the one where Nam-An thought it was Magnificent."


"Its the shape of a Kryptonian bracelet that you give to the woman who will be with you for all the days of your life."

        Clark looked up and remembered what the Willowbrooks told him about the woman he was destined to be with and the bracelet that she inherited from every single one of the woman in the tribe had continued the Kryptonian tradition that Nam-An had introduced to the Kawatche when he gave it to Magnificent.  

        Clark wanted to know why this was important when het turned around and saw Diana inches from his face as she lifted her wrist where a shining bracelet with a green stone set in the middle. The same bracelet Joseph Willowbrook had entrusted to Clark was on Diana's wrist.

"I... I give it to you?"

"Nice to meet you Kal-El.  I was born Diana of Themiscyra and took the last name Prince so that I could live among mankind.  I'm also known the world over as Wonder Woman.  I will accomplish much in twenty-five years.  A princess who became a hero.  A hero that found out she was a demi-goddess. Who then became a queen.  A queen who became the wife of a Kryptonian.  In his culture I am called Diana-El."

        Clark then felt her lips touch his as they both kissed.  A deep, glorious kiss that both had been craving for days.  They pulled each other into their arms as they continued with more kisses.  The scent Clark smelled before in her hair and her skin was now joined with her breath and the taste of her lips.  Her bare, smooth arms wrapped him and his around hers.  Diana is my wife and I her husband.  Clark thought as he believed that there was nothing else in the world that could have made this more perfect.

        Clark then heard music, a slow song playing as Clark realized Diana had most likely used her computer to play a love song in the cave.  Only as Clark looked at the ground below him and saw only pebbles.  Not exactly a place to dance.  Until he realized they were several feet up in the air.  They were flying and dancing above the ground.  Clark then realized it truly was perfect.

So many emotions went through Clark as he looked into Diana's beautiful face.  His greatest fear that he would be alone was gone.  She had saved him from his great fear. "You are my hero Diana, Thank You."  Diana returned Clark's complement with another kiss as they continued their dance. Once the song had ended  their dance finished and their feet were back on the ground. Both kissed once more as Diana spoke for the last time.

"Farewell for now Kal-El."  Clark wanted to stop her right then and there only for her having sped to were she left her bag secured around her shoulder as she took the gold Legion ring and placed it upon the green jewel in the bracelet as Clark then saw a light shining down from the Magnificent painting as Diana disappeared in flash of pure white light.

        Clark looked around the cave wondering, hoping that she forgot something only to find that it was done.  It was all gone including her.  Clark then felt down on the ground shedding tears.  But he wasn't crying tears of sorrow, they were tears of joy as he learned that his mother was right all along.  There was someone out there for him.  She came all this way to save him.

        Clark felt so alive and so strong.  Before the thought fully formed he knew that he was the husband of Diana-El and he knew what he was going to do next.

        He bent his knees as he placed his hand firmly to the ground as he kicked off the pebbled ground and flew up, up and away!

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