- Scary famous - Part 12 -

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I come to myself again and repeat in my head what I did. “Oh no… I didn’t want to…” I said with tears in my eyes. Y/n stood up and walked backwards to the door. “What are you…” she said. “She’s not sleeping” Marcus said. “One more time…. WHAT ARE YOU” “you remember everything?” I asked. “Yes of course! What do you think! What are you!!!!!!” she said even angrier. “We… we will tell everything if you just calm down and go sit there… if you tell what you are to…” I said. “Me? I am just a normal human.” She said scared. Marcus and I looked weird at each other but just let it. “Please sit down” we said. She slowly goes closer and sits down. We go sit before her and begin to tell our story. “From when we were born we hadn’t enough with the food we got… we always felt hungry. But ones we were sleeping with our parents in bed we suddenly just sucked the life of our parents out of them… but after it they didn’t know what happened anymore. Our uncle told us this… because he is the same as us. The older we became, the more we needed. We tried it with animals but we hadn’t enough with that. If we get hungry we get red eyes… we can’t do anything about it. When we got famous we suddenly attacked a girl and sucked it from her. We felt better and not hungry for 2 days… so that was better… so each concert we get a girl or boy backstage and did this but after a few times we saw that they forgot some things and became 2 years older… we know this sounds terrible and it is but otherwise we will die… we did it with Felicia to… she came out and when you called her, it was like she didn’t know you. But when she touched you, she remembered you again. When you hugged us we got a huge shock, like someone stabbed us, in our stomach. And when we were staring into each others eyes on the concert today I got it again and felt extremely hungry and got red eyes…” I said. She swallowed hard and stood up. “I want to go” she said.

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