- Scary famous - Part 22 -

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“I don’t want to make you scared” he said. “I have seen many scary things so there can come more” I giggled. He smiled and said “well… my uncle was in love with a nightfury… he didn’t even know that and she didn’t either. They met when they were 26. One day, when they were 28 and we were 10… they kissed… and she died. He didn’t know why and he still doesn’t know. Now I know why but he still doesn’t… and he will never know to… after that… her witch came to him… did a spell on him… and… he died. We watched him die… we found a diary from him where stood all the stuff when they kissed and she eventually died after that. That she got older and then just… disappeared.  He was heartbroken. He said he felt like someone was following from then… but didn’t know what. And now we know it was a witch. She just laid her hand on his heart and boom… he fell down… dead… many police officers and Scientists couldn’t find the cause why he died…” he said. “Wow Martinus that is… that is so horrible” I said. “I don’t want this to happen to us” I said. “Me to… that’s why we have to get your sister to another opinion…” he said. I looked down.

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