- Scary famous - Part 16 -

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A witch can end the fact that the nightfury dies when they fall in love and kiss and so on. “Martinus! A witch can end it. Look at some witch pages and search for that” I said. He nodded. “Wait… why we want to end that? Nobody is in love from us?” Mac said. “I just want to know it” I said. I really just want to know it. I want to know every detail about this stuff here. “Here” Martinus said. “Witches can let them fall in love without any consequences. Just one thing: they hate Hibrits and are the protectors of the nightfuries. The chance they will break this is 1 up to 10.” Martinus reads. “So… if I am a nightfury… then I have a witch as protector… but who? I don’t know anyone” I said. “You will find out soon” Martinus said and smiled.  After these days we do many things together. Besides feeding them we have fun. Movie nights and all that stuff. We live not far away from each other so yeah. Easy right? We are now, I think 4 months further. I still didn’t find my witch. I really want to know who it is. The boys and I already know everything about Hibrits, nightfuries, witches and other weird creatures. We are an open book aha. But… since the first the concert, I feel sooo many things when I’m with Martinus. He was always my favorite and I was in love with him but that was as a fan. Now… it’s really really really love and I think Martinus feels the same for me… but I can’t… we can’t… stupid witches that hate them! Ugh. Horrible. Today I go over to the boys and do a movie night. And it’s the week where they are hungry again so yeah. I ring the bell and their mom did open. We are good friends to right now. And the same for their sister Emma and their dad. They are really kind and sweet. We go upstairs to their room and sit down on the bed.

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