- Scary famous - Part 15 -

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I read further and what stood there… I don’t really get it. “When a Hibrit and nightfury get in love the nightfury will get older soon and will die. The Hibrit will live forever but heartbroken. You can be in love with each other but you can’t kiss… and can’t sleep with each other. Only feed the hibrit and be friends” I said sad… that’s horrible. “Tinus u okay?” Mac asked. “What’s with Martinus?” I asked. “Nothing, just uhm… he find it weird” Mac said. “Uhm… the nightfuries can defend their selves to look into the Hibrits eyes for long or hug them” I said confused. “That’s because we got the feeling like we got stabbed” Marcus said. “Please come help and search for more. There has to be something more” I said. “Yeah, we will come. And y/n?” Marcus asked. “Yeah?” “Can I eat? Tinus only ate…” he said. “Sure” I said. I gave them the address and in a few minutes they are here already. “Come” I said and lead the downstairs to the basement. We came to the room and I let them in. I sit down on the couch with Mac next to me. He took my cheeks and eats. “Thanks” he said. I smiled and we stood up again. “Okay. I search for the nightfury. Maybe Mac for the Hibrits and Tinus for maybe a witch or something like that. Maybe there is a solution” I said. They nodded and we search. I found a book about nightfuries. They can feed Hibrits as long as they want….  They can’t fall in love bla bla bla… the Hibrits aren’t hungry for a week anymore. “Boys… from nightfuries you aren’t hungry for a week anymore” I said. “That’s handy” Mac said and giggled. I smiled and search further.

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