- Scary famous - Part 31 -

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(this part is a little from an imagine from @gunnarsenslay1
-instagram- i didn't really know how to write this so yeah.) He kissed me gently and placed his hand under my shirt and does it off. He kissed me again and moved his hand under my back to take my bra off. Just bc of his little touch he gets me turned on. He throws it on the ground and kisses me down to my neck. After a few minutes of kissing our clothes are all off. He is lying naked on top of my naked body. He goes slowly with his hands down to my private place and strokes me there. A few moans left my mouth. I do my hands in his hair and he moans to. This I just the best feeling ever. “Princess, u ready?” he asked, staring deeply into my eyes. “I am” I said and smiled. He moves closer and kissed me passionately on my lips. “I love you” he said. “I love you to” I whisper as he moves into me making me lose my breath for a second before moving slowly, making us both sweat and moan. – Next day – I wake up and repeat yesterday night. He was just amazing. I feel so good with him. I never could imagine this. I looked next to me and saw Martinus was not lying next to me. I do some clothes on and go downstairs. When I came down I saw like a million of roses lying on the ground. “Wow” I whisper. I follow the path and came into our garden.

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