- Scary famous - Part 19 -

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“You are not falling for one, right?” she asked lifting my chin up. “I did…” I said. “He can just feed on me and not on humans again… please” I begged. “No. who is it!” she screamed. “What will you do if I tell his name?” I asked. “Kill him of course. What do you think hu?” she said. “No! You can’t kill him. Otherwise… he won’t be heartbroken but me! And you have to deal with that then as my protector!” I said angry. She looked shocked at me. “Tell me who it is.” She said calmer. “Martinus… and Marcus” I mumbled. “The two singers?” she asked shocked. I nodded. “We are friends okay. I already feed them. And I’m falling in love with Martinus” I said and looked down. “Wow y/n. you can feed them but you are not going to be together with him. You make sure you just stay friends. Definitely not kiss or whatever love thing. Understand?!” she said. I nodded. She won’t break the curse… for sure… I called Martinus. “We have a problem” “what is it?” he asked. “My sister is the witch… my protector… she knows you two are Hibrits. She won’t kill you two but we can only be friends…” I said sad. “I can’t y/n” he said. “We have to just… try” I said. “Okay” he said and hung up. I slide down against the wall. What now…

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