- Scary famous - Part 27 -

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I drive home again and run into the house, down to the basement. “I’m hereee” I screamed and go into the room. “That took long” Marcus said. “One hour to her house, few minutes there and then an hour back so shut up. It was my only chance okay” I said pissed. Ugh Hibrits… “Okay… here it is” “go stand there. Take each others hand and close your eyes” I said. They do what I said and do the spell. “I think it’s done” I said. They let go of each other. “You’re sure right?” y/n asked. I nodded. – POV Martinus – can I now finally kiss her…? I smiled and hugged y/n. she hugged me tight back and then looked at me. We go closer to each other and kiss. We broke it and smiled bright. “Better then I imagined” I said. She kissed me again and smiled. “Well… you two are happy” y/n’s sister said. Y/n smiled to her and gave her a hug. “Thank you” she said. “You’re welcome” “Felicia!” y/n said and does her hands on her head. “I haven’t spoke to her for so long. Omg she will hate me!” she said in panic. “Hey, she will understand” I said to calm her down. “Understand? The only way that she is going to understand is if I tell her the truth about all this” she said. “Then… we are going to tell her” Marcus said. “Won’t she freak out?” I asked. “Maybe, but we can try” he said. We nodded. Y/n took her phone and called her. “What?” she asked.

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