Sweet Tooth

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It was a Saturday so no work for you. (lucky...) You were running out of food so you decided to go to the store to restock food that would be good for a month.

You were about to head out when Yoongi stopped you.

"Going out?"

"Yeah, did you want something?"

"U-uh..." He averted his gaze from you.

"Do you...want to come with me?"

"I-I'm not going because I want to, it's because you asked."

You tried to stiffle your laugh, you TRIED. Yoongi flushed at your outburst. He's so cute when his tsundere side is showing.

"Yah! Stop laughing, I'm older than you."

"Alright, Oppa~" You smirked knowing that Yoongi would get flustered.

"Tsk, let's just go." He grabbed your arm and went to the nearest grocery store.

"Come on,Yoongi. Is there anything you'd like me to buy?"

"The tuna I like." He slipped his hands into his pocket and walked beside you.

"Your wish is my command~" You giggled at your own childishness. Yoongi suddenly stopped.

"Yoongi?" You saw him staring at the kids getting a vanilla swirled ice cream.

"Would you like some, Yoongi?" He nodded silently. You got him a HUGE one. You handed him the ice cream and he smiled at you. Not a smirk or glare but an actual smile. Though it only lasted for a second, you still felt happy that Yoongi smiled FOR you. (This reminded me of their song 😂)

Yoongi happily ate his ice cream, he had such a sweet smile. Almost as sweet as sugar...sugar huh, you smiled to yourself.

"Suga, give me sooome~"


"You like it? It's my new nickname to you. Cuz your smile is just so sweet."

He handed you his ice cream allowing you to eat some. His back facing you and you could've sworn you heard a purr from him.

"Let's go back home Suga~"

"I'm not carrying any of those"


"Uh, fine. Just shut up already."

Yup, your sweet Suga. You're making sure to buy him a lot of ice cream and sweets, just to see his smile again.

You didn't know that it wasn't the ice cream that made him smile, it was you. The way your eyes sparkled everytime you were happy, your happiness is enough to bring a smile to his face.

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