Chapter 23

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*Trigger Warning*

A week goes by and it feels like business as usual. As much as I hate having to word it like that, it's true. Everyday has felt like any other. When we lost Bryce and Ohm, the club had a heavy feeling, but right now, when Brock is still in the hospital, stuck in the coma he's been in for a fucking week, it feels like nothing happened. Everyone is moving. Everyone is dancing. It's like no one cares... But we do.

When I walk up to the bar, I put my tray down and turn to Smitty. "I need a Bloody Mary, Chocolate Martini, three Scooby Snacks, and a Zombie."

He looks over, slowly leans against the bar closer to me, and has a confused look on his face. "A Bloody Mary, Chocolate Martini, three Scooby Snacks, and a Zombie?" I nod. "Are those all for the same table?" I nod again. His eyes slowly start traveling around the room, looking for who could have possibly made the order.

"It's for the group of college students in the very back, one girl, three guys. Two have been here before and are looking forward to seeing Chestyglittersizzle."

At the mention of Mini's original attempted stage name, Smitty laughs and shakes his head. "Okay, now that makes sense."

He pulls out a couple glasses and quickly starts spinning bottles in his hands as he starts making the Scooby Snacks. I watch as he does this, being interested by how each bottle moves in his hands, spinning around his fingers like how the dancers spin around the poles. After so long of doing this, he's gotten amazing at making all of these drinks, and making them all so perfectly.

"I've got some good news, guys," we hear someone say as they walk up to the bar. I look over and smile as Marcel leans against the bar with a smile on his face. "Brock just woke up."

"He did," I almost scream. "How is he? Is he okay? Is he going to come back?"

In one impressive motion, Smitty pours the perfect amount of melon liquor in all three glasses before putting the bottle down and slapping his hand over my mouth to shut me up. "What do you know?"

"Nothing much yet. They said they got the results back on the test though, and it turns out it wasn't an overdose. Someone laced his coke with something, but the test weren't about to pick up on what. He's luck to be alive. I'm going to see him after work. Do you two want to go with?"

I pull Smitty's hand off of my mouth and say, "Yeah; of course."

Smitty smiles and nods his head before he gets back to making the drink. Marcel and I start talking, planning what food we could sneak into the hospital for Moo. After a minute, We hear glass hit the floor, and when I look over, I see Smitty staring at the front door, and his face is completely white. When I follow his gaze, I see that he isn't just staring at the door. He's staring at a man with crazy blond hair.

"What the hell is he doing here," I ask, standing up and clinching my fist.

Marcel looks over to where Smitty and I are looking, before he snaps his head back to Smitty. "I thought you broke up with him," he hisses.

"I did," Smitty says, with a shaky voice. "I don't know what he's doing here."

After a bit, I see John look over towards us. He locks his gaze on Smitty and Marcel and I then watch as he starts walking over. Marcel pulls out his phone and starts writing out a message. I look over his shoulder and see that he's writing out a text to Tyler and David, telling them to keep an eye on the blond walking towards the bar.

Once John walks over to the bar, he asks Smitty, "Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah," Smitty says, before he continues making the first Scooby Snack.

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