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We're back! It's been one year since our last song, and now we're back with new music and stronger than ever. During our break, the 4 of us bonded, and I can honestly say that Lisa, Jisoo, and Rosé are my sisters. Maybe not by blood, but definitely by bond.

As we celebrate our comeback, all our phones are blowing up with congratulatory messages from our sunbaes, sajangnim, colleagues, YG staff members, etc. It's great to hear how proud they are of us and how excited they are for our live stages. I also can't help but feel excited to start going back to music programs and interacting with other idol groups. We love our YG Family, but it's hard for us to meet other people, and I know even other idols from other companies struggle with this, too, mainly because we're on such a tight schedule. So whenever we join any programs, we're excited because we get to make new friends.

"Unnie! Bobby oppa said they're going to treat us to CHICKEN for lunch tomorrow!!! All the iKon and WINNER oppas will be there, and they will celebrate with us. I'm so excited! CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN!"

If you haven't guessed, that's Rosé. She loves food. She jumps up and down with Jisoo unnie because they love chicken. Jisoo unnie loves chicken, and Rosé loves food in general. Free food is even better, I guess.

I started laughing at the two excited girls and asked them, "Do you guys know what time exactly tomorrow? Don't we have a practice around lunchtime?"

"Bobby oppa said they called sajangnim and asked us to reschedule our practice later so they can treat us out. We're good to go for some chicken for lunch!" Rosé replies and gives me two thumbs up.

This girl loves her food.

"Jen unnie, do you want to go get ice cream with me?" Rosé asks me. "Please, please, please!"

"Yah! Rosé, why don't you ask me?!?!" Lisa said as she walked back into the dance room.

"Lisa! Because you weren't here. Where were you anyway?"

"Sajangnim told me that I have a solo trip to Thailand. Ottoke! I think this is the first time I'm going somewhere by myself! What do I do?!?!" Lalisa panics.

"Lisa, it's your home. I think you'll be fine, and I'm so excited for you! Is it for the Moonshot project?" I ask Lisa.

"Yeap! I'm so excited, but can't you guys come with me too?"

"I think we all will be busy too around that time. Plus, I think this is good for all of us. We'll be able to build more confidence this way too. Lisa Hwaiting!" Jisoo unnie says.

"Lisa, why don't you chill with Jisoo unnie here, and I'll go with Rosé to get all of us ice cream?" I ask Lisa.

"Okay.. please bring me two ice cream!"

Rosé and I wore our masks and hats to ensure nobody noticed us. We walked to the closest convenience store next to the YG building. Honestly, the ahjumma that owns the nearest convenience store to YG is lovely and always knows who we are, even if we hide our faces. She ensures that nobody bothers us and keeps it to herself when she knows idols are walking in to shop at her store. She's a real YG stan! That's why we always go to her store.

"Unnie, I'm going to look for chips and sodas too. Can you please pick out the ice cream?"

"Araso, I'll go and grab the ice cream."

I found all of their favorite ice creams, but I'm still looking for my vanilla milkshake ice cream. As I scan through the store for my favorite ice cream, I can't help but feel hopeless and just settle for a chocolate Papico ice cream. However, I suddenly see one vanilla milkshake left on the corner of the other freezer. I slowly walk towards the freezer to get my ice cream until I see a man walk towards the same freezer. I saw him open the freezer and grab the last vanilla ice cream!

I started walking faster toward it, telling the guy to stop!

"STOP! Is that the last vanilla milkshake?! OTTOKE! That's my favorite one!" I panic. I look at the freezer, then at the guy, then at the freezer again, and then at the guy again.

The guy looks at me with wide eyes and even looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Ottoke! Can I please please please have that one?" I ask the stranger, and I'm sure he still thinks I'm crazy.

"Ani," he simply replies.

I was a little shocked that he just said that, but maybe I'm just shocked because I'm stressed about not having that milkshake.

"Please," I reply to him.

I can tell that he's smirking behind his mask.

"What would you do for it?"

"I'll pay you extra!"


"I'll pay you triple!"


I sigh and decide to just give up. This guy obviously just wants to mess with me, or he really likes the same ice cream as me. So I walk away and look down, defeated. I walked towards the freezer and grabbed the chocolate Papico ice cream.

I looked for Rosé and found her arguing with another guy with a mask. I hear them bickering over the last bag of Rosé's favorite chips. Oh, man. I guess I should step in.

"Chaeng-ah, it's okay. Let's go. The other girls are waiting for us," I said to Rosé, making sure to use her nickname so that people don't get suspicious.

"But unnie! He has the last bag of my favorite chips!"

"Chaeng, trust me. I know how you feel. Maybe today's just not our day."

"UGH! Fine. Let's pay for these," Rose replies and walks away, defeated.

Rosé quickly looked around for some sodas before paying for our items. I noticed the two guys we argued with were actually together. They were already paying for their items. I can't help but feel sad watching my favorite ice cream walk away from me like that.

We finally had everything gathered and ready for checkout. The ahjumma neatly packed our snacks, and Rosé and I thanked her. When we walked out of the store, I noticed the two guys were outside the store.

The guy I argued with went to me and said, "Here. You looked like you would die if you didn't have this ice cream. I'll trade you for the Papico ice cream."

The other guy goes up to Rosé and says, "You can have this. It's not really my favorite. I thought it was funny how hard you were arguing for this."

I smiled at the guy in front of me and quickly snatched the milkshake from him, and grabbed the Papico ice cream to give to him. Rosé promptly grabbed the chips from the other guy and said thank you.

"You gave us a hard time in there, you know," I said to the stranger in front of me.

"Mian. I've never met anybody so driven to have a vanilla milkshake before."

"I love milk," I simply reply and look away.

I heard him chuckle at my response.

"We have to go now. Our friends are waiting for us. Thank you, and we're sorry for being aggressive back there," I quietly said to the two guys.

I didn't give them a chance to reply back. I didn't want Jisoo unnie and Lisa to wait any longer; for some reason, I didn't like how I felt in front of this stranger. So I quickly grabbed Rosé's arm and walked away from them.

But before completely walking away, the stranger yells out,

"Hope to see you again, Miss Milk!"

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