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Mino oppa finally released his album. He's receiving a lot of love from it and people are also giving me a lot of love because I'm featured in one of his songs. During his album release, Red Velvet also released a single. I also released my single SOLO. Taehyung oppa was very surprised about my single. I didn't talk to him about it because I wanted it to be a surprise. All he knew was that I was releasing a song with Mino oppa.

I'm very happy with my single and what's more exciting about it is that me, Mino oppa, and Irene unnie will be in music programs together!


"Jennie-yaaaah," I heard a soft angelic voice from behind me.

It's Irene unnie walking inside my dressing room with her stage outfit.


Irene unnie went up to me, crouched down a little, and hugged me from the side because I was sitting down and getting my hair done.

"I'm so excited for you to go out there and kill it! Your first solo and you're already killing it. I'm so proud of my dongsaeng!"

"Thanks unnie! I'm really nervous actually."

"Don't worry! I'm here and at the end I'll make sure to grab you so you don't stand alone. I know it must be hard to be standing by yourself without the rest of the BLACKPINK members."

Irene unnie really knows how to read me. It's true that I'm a little worried about standing by myself towards the end of the program. Everyone's pretty much with their group and the only people I'm really close with are Irene unnie and Mino oppa.


We've been on tour and we haven't really had a break lately. I miss Jennie a lot. Even though we text everyday it's not the same as being with her in person. I'm a little upset about her keeping her solo debut a secret. When her song SOLO was announced on social media I was very surprised. She hasn't said anything about it to me, and all she has said in the past was about her feature in Mino's album.

She's watched her music video and to be honest he's pretty sure he fell in love with her right there and then. At the same time he felt like beating up someone because of the lyrics. It made him wonder too if Jennie's been in a relationship before. He never asked her, and now it's all he can think about after watching her music video over and over again.

"Hyung, what do you think of Jennie's new song?" I heard Jungkook ask RM hyung.

"I like the beat a lot, and even the simple lyrics is good. It makes me wonder though, has she been in a relationship before?" RM replied to Jungkook but noticed me listening to them too.

"Yah, Taehyung do you know if she's had a boyfriend before? She would tell you right?" Jungkook asked me.

"I-I don't know actually," I replied honestly.

"Why don't you ask her?"

"Because I don't really want to know. Plus, if she wants to tell me then she can tell me."

"Are you sure you don't want to know? Cuz you sound irritated right now," Jungkook said to me which really annoyed me even more.

"Who cares! I'm outta here."

I walked out of the hotel room and started walking around the city. I really am irritated, and to be honest there's nothing to be irritated about. If Jennie was in a previous relationship then so what? It has nothing to do with me. It was also her past. It's not like I've never had a girlfriend before either. I've never discussed that with her too. So, why am I so irritated and sound like a jealous boyfriend? I should probably give her a call if I'm just going to continue to get irritated about this.

Aish! Maybe I should call Mino instead.


I just finished performing SOLO for the first time. After performing, Mino oppa went to my dressing room to congratulate me.

"Jennie-yah! Daebak!" Mino oppa said to me and then handed me a boquet of flowers.

"Wah! Oppa! You didn't have to get me anything. Now I feel bad because I didn't get you anything for your solo too."

"Don't worry about it, because it's not from me."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, someone called me while you were practicing and performing. He told me to specifically get you flowers."

"Um, okay. Who is it from then?"

Mino oppa didn't say anything else. Instead he just smiles and starts walking away and throws me a peace sign. Or should I say a "V" sign.

Now I definitely feel bad for not telling him about my SOLO, and for not calling or texting him about my first performance. He's probably worried about me, and that's why he had to call Mino oppa to do him a favor. I'm sure if he was here he would hide and put on a mask and be part of the crowd just to see me perform SOLO live for the first time.

Aish. That Kim Taehyung is really something. He's always making me feel guilty and bad. Or maybe I'm just inconsiderate.

Then again, I'm not even really sure how to act. This is the first time I've been romantically close to a guy. Mino oppa and Bobby oppa are really close to me, but never in a romantic way.

My phone started ringing and stopped me from my thoughts. I noticed it was Taehyung oppa. I got extremely excited and want to immediately pick up the phone. I have to first find a safe spot to pick up his call. I went outside of my dressing room and walked to a quiet corner before picking up the call.


"Yah! What took you so long to pick up the phone?" Aish. This guy. Is this really how he's going to greet me?

"YAH! Don't "YAH!" me! I had to find a quiet spot before picking up okay."

"Aish. Fine. Anyway, how are you?"

"You should know because you already talked to Minho oppa," I said to him.

There was a moment of silence before he finally said, "I miss you Jennie."

It made my heart beat faster. Hearing "I miss you" from a man you're romantically with is a different feeling for me. It's something I've never felt before.

"I miss you too," I responded shyly.

"That's a relief. For a second there I thought you weren't going to say it back."

"Hey! Who do you think I am? I'm not heartless you know," I said annoyed.

"I know I know. I just thought maybe you wouldn't say it because you're still a little too shy."

"Well, I can say it just fine now. Anyway, why'd you call?"

"Why? I can't just say hi and call my girlfriend?"

"I'm not your girlfriend remember?"

"To me you are. I changed my mind remember? I'm not waiting anymore. I don't want to. I can't. You're mine Jennie Kim."

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