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It's been a week since Taehyung oppa and I saw each other. He still contacts me, and he's right about me replying. I'd feel too bad if I didn't reply to his messages. Of course I keep my replies simple. I just don't want things to get complicated.

A few days ago Mino oppa called me to tell me some good news. Papa YG agreed to me, Bobby oppa, and Mino oppa to collaborate! I've been pretty excited about it and I've been hanging out with Mino oppa and Bobby oppa a lot because of it. We've been writing lyrics and producing beats. We started recording a few days ago and so far everything's been going great. I think the three of us really compliment each other and because of that everything is running smoothly.

However, because of the rumors of our collaboration Taehyung oppa has been texting me so much and asking me about my schedule a lot. He always has something to say when he finds out that I'm with Mino oppa and Bobby oppa. YG hasn't made an official statement on our collaboration but I felt like telling Taehyung oppa anyway because he's been relentless about it. Ever since I confirmed with him he's been acting like a jealous boyfriend. When he finds out that I'm with them late at night, he tends to offer me a ride home. He's so sweet, but I really don't need him to continue to act this way.


Out of nowhere I hear my phone ringing. Why is he FaceTiming me? I decided to pick up the call. I see Taehyung oppa laying down on his bed smiling at me.

"Hello Jennie-ah! How's my Jendeukkie?"

"Your Jendeukkie? I'm pretty sure I'm nobody's Jendeukkie. Maybe Jisoo unnie's Jendeukkie."

"I'm pretty sure you're my Jendeukkie. Anyway, what are you doing right now? You're not sleepy yet?"

"Ani. I'm in front of my computer typing up some lyrics that we can possibly use for a track."

"For your collaboration?"


"Hmmm... are you excited for everything that's going on?"

"Yes of course! I'm honestly having so much fun with the guys. They're so carefree that it doesn't even feel like we're working."

"Well that's nice I guess. I'm glad you're having fun with them," he said sounding pretty insincere. Which honestly just makes me laugh because I know he's just jealous of Mino oppa and Bobby oppa. Specifically Mino oppa because he's been pretty vocal on social media about our friendship.

"You know... you don't have to be fake around me. I know you hate the fact that I'm working with Mino oppa and Bobby oppa," I said to him.

"Ani. I don't hate that you're working with Mino and Bobby. I hate that you're working with Mino."

"And there goes the truth. Kim Taehyung finally stopped beating around the bush and stated what he really wanted to state."

"I don't like him. That's all."

"You don't even know him."


"Listen, Mino oppa is one of my good friends and I don't have very many male friends. So, to me Mino oppa is very important and I would never ruin our friendship. I think of him as someone who has always been there during my trainee days. Even after my trainee days he continued to be there. So Kim Taehyung if you want to continue to be a part of my life, then you need to learn to like Mino oppa or at least be civil with him if you do end up meeting him one day."

"Fine. Since you asked so nicely and because I do plan on being a part of your life for a long time," he said sounding more sincere compared to earlier.

He continued and said, "I think I'm just jealous anyway. I've heard good things about Song Mino. Back then I actually wanted to be really good friends with him because I used to watch New Journey to the West."

"You can still be friends with him you know. Mino oppa is really friendly and he's really good friends with some of the EXO members. I think he can be good friends with you too. I can introduce you guys sometime. Maybe at one of the end of the year award shows."

"You know you sound like a girlfriend who's asking her boyfriend to be friends with her guy best friend?"

"No, I sound like a friend who's asking her new friend to be friends with her close guy friend."

I see him roll his eyes at what I just said.

"So you guys are seriously that close huh?"

"Yes," I simply said.

"Then I guess I really need to try and get along with him."

I smiled at him and said, "then do you think maybe you can also stop checking up on me during my recordings with the guys?"

"Nope! That's one thing I will not stop doing. I have to make sure you're okay. Mostly because you typically record at night with them. I still don't know Mino and Bobby for me to just trust them with my Jendeukkie."

"Again, I'm not your Jendeukkie," I said rolling my eyes at him.

"For now."

I decided to ignore him and continue writing lyrics. He was just laying down staring at me for awhile. I'm guessing he's starting to get bored and maybe he's going to want to hang up soon.

"Jennie-ah, you know I really enjoy just staring at you right? I think it calms me."

"Yaaaah Kim Taehyung stop being sappy," I said trying to act like what he said didn't affect me at all.

In truth he really does affect me. Mostly when he says stuff like this. He's always so forward and not afraid of saying what he wants. At least to me he's that way. It makes me kinda wonder if he's a playboy or something. He's too charming and forward.

"I'm not being sappy Kim Jennie. I'm being sweet."

"Hmmm... honestly, sometimes I wonder... Is this your game or something? Are you trying to play me? International Playboy number 2?"

"Yah! That's not who I am! I don't play with people Kim Jennie. Whatever I say to you, I mean it. Always. I'm also not a liar. So if you ever feel like I'm lying to you, then you're wrong. I say these things to you because you deserve the truth. Mostly the truth about my feelings. I know you're very aware of my feelings, so what's the point of hiding it?"

"You're shameless Kim Taehyung. Shameless."

"Shamelessly in love with you Kim Jennie," he says while showing his box smile that I find so adorable.

"This isn't love Kim Taehyung. It's friendship. Friendship."

"I love my friend then?"

"I give up. You're seriously too much right now. Shouldn't you be sleeping? Don't you have a schedule or a concert or something?"

"Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you if you wanted anything from California? We have a concert next week in LA but we'll have a free day while we're there. Is there anything you want Jendeukkie?"

I started thinking about what I might need from California. Honestly, I don't think there's really anything I specifically want. I like Disney things, but I highly doubt they'll have time to go to Disneyland or something.

"I can't really think of anything I want. Just eat In-N-Out for me. I love In-N-Out so make sure to eat two burgers. One for you and one for me. Okay?"

Taehyung oppa laughed and said, "Araso. I'll make sure to eat a burger for you. Are you sure there's nothing you really want?"

"I'm sure. Just make sure you come back safely. Your fans in Korea will miss you so much."

"Don't you mean YOU'LL miss me?"

"Nope. Your fans. I have to get back to work oppa. Goodnight!"

"Arasso arasso. Goodnight Jendeukkie."

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