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Hi guys! Just wanted to thank you all for reading this story. I know for some it might not be much, but the fact that there's 150+ reads of this story really makes me happy. Everyday it also increases as I continue to add more chapters. It really makes me happy that there are people out there reading this story.

I want to thank @Skaxx01 and @LoveYaaBBT for voting. It really means a lot to me when you guys press that star button lol.

Also, I will be adding "text messages" to this story. I think it's going to be pretty straight forward that it's a text message. Hopefully nobody gets confused. If you guys do, please let me know.

Anyway, thanks for reading! And I hope you enjoy this new chapter!


Taehyung Oppa:
Hi Jennie!

I received a text message from Taehyung sunbae this morning. I ignored it of course. I still can't believe that we're going to have lunch with them next week. After seeing them the other night, I got in an argument with Rosé about it. I just didn't want us to get in trouble and I told her that what we really needed to do was to just focus on our comeback. I felt bad after arguing with her though. I knew that Rosé just wanted to let loose and just be young I guess.

Taehyung Oppa:
Jennie-ah, what are you doing?

Great. Now he's being more informal with me and acting like we actually know each other. I'm still not going to reply.

Taehyung Oppa:
Jennie, are you mad at me?

RELENTLESS. Seriously, he's relentless.

Taehyung Oppa:
You know... you never answered my question. Who is your favorite in BTS? I'm really dying to know. Rosé told me that I'm going to be shocked once I hear your answer.

Rosé? I bet they're texting. Rosé keeps telling me that Taehyung sunbae keeps telling her to tell me to text him back. Instead of texting him back I tell Rosé to tell him to STOP texting me.

Taehyung Oppa:
If I call you... would you answer the phone?

Geez. Of course I wont!

Taehyung Oppa Calling

What the heck! He's actually calling me! This guy is crazy! I of course did NOT pick up his call.

Taehyung Oppa:
You didn't pick up. Maybe you really don't like me at all. Am I a bad person Jennie-shi?

He's back to using honorifics. Maybe I'm being too mean? I don't want him to think that I'm just being a snob or anything. Aish! I can't believe this.

Jendeukkie (this is what Taehyung has Jennie under his contacts):
You're not a bad person.

A simple reply is okay right? I still don't want him to think that he can just continue to text me like this. I really really really think this is still a bad idea, but I want to at least let him know that I don't think he's a bad person.

Taehyung Oppa:
YES! You replied! Thank god! I was really worried Jennie. I'm really sorry if I'm bothering you or you feel annoyed. I don't mean to annoy or bother you. It's not my intention at all. I promise. I just want to be friends.

I guess I've been pretty harsh to him. I know he means well and I know that he's a nice guy. I know that for sure because Rosé likes him. Not like him like that, but she likes him as a person. Rosé is usually really good at reading people. So when she feels like someone is a good person, then she befriends them. Sometimes she does get weird vibes from people, and when that happens we're usually just nice to them and not really be friends with them. If Rosé says that he's a good person, then I believe her.

You're not annoying, and I know that you mean well. I'm just not very good at this I guess.
I know that you guys have a lot of fans and
I wouldn't want to make anybody mad.
I'm just cautious.

Taehyung Oppa:
I know. I see your worries, and I understand them. But Jennie I really hope that this idol life and the fans doesn't make you stop living your own life. I know that we technically live for fans, but they have to understand that we are also human. We have to live too.

Live. I want to live too. He's right. I mean, deep down I'm sure all idols know that and feel that way. But as idols, you can't really help but feel like you can't. There are a lot of things to be cautious about and you really don't just get to live. I understand him too though. We do have to just live our lives too. Sometimes we have to just think about ourselves in order to be truly happy.

I know sunbae. But sometimes you still have to be cautious. We wouldn't be where we are now if it wasn't for our fans.

Taehyung Oppa:
But we shouldn't live our lives where fans completely dictates it.

I understand sunbae.
I do. I wish it was that easy to keep that mindset though.

Taehyung Oppa:


Taehyung Oppa:
I told you to call me oppa.
I don't like sunbae.

I have to call you sunbae though.
If I start to drop honorifics or start calling you oppa I might slip during variety shows or interviews.

Taehyung Oppa:
And if you do, then we just let them know that we're friends.

I think you and I both know that it's not that easy.

Taehyung Oppa:
You're right.
It's not. It's never easy.
For some reason though, I don't care.
I want you to call me oppa and not sunbae.
I know for a fact that if I'm on programs or shows and BLACKPINK is brought up, then I'm not going to call you my hoobae. You are Jennie Kim.

You're crazy.

When I say Kim Taehyung is crazy. I mean it. I thought Bobby Oppa and Mino Oppa were relentless when it came to our possible "trio" project. Looks like Kim Taehyung's got them beat.

LET ME TAKE CARE OF YOUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora