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Since Jennie is finally texting me back I feel more confident about getting to know her. I really thought she wouldn't text me back at all, but I guess being dramatic worked. She really is kind hearted. I know she didn't want me to feel bad and she probably felt guilty and that's why she finally texted me back.

We haven't been texting much though. Lately it's just greeting her hello or saying good night. Sometimes she replies and sometimes she doesn't. I do know that they're pretty busy with their promotions along with their Japan tour. We were supposed to treat them out to Jin Hyung's restaurant but we've had to reschedule three times because of all our schedules.

Now we are finally meeting them tonight.

"Hyungs what should I wear?!" Jungkook yells at us.

"Ya! This is just a dinner with our hoobaes. This is NOT a date Jeon Jungkook."

Namjoon hyung has been pretty bothered by this situation. He has to constantly remind us that the girls have a dating ban and that we need to keep a strict senior-hoobae relationship with them. Nothing more. I know he knows that our maknae has a big crush on Rosé and he knows that I'm interested in Jennie, so I could see why he's worried. He's really not just worried for us though, he's very worried for them because he knows that they're still kind of new to the K-Pop industry.

"We know it's not a date hyung, but it wouldn't hurt to look good for them right?" Jungkook replies.

"Should we bring them something? Gifts?" Jimin asks.

"That's a good idea. Maybe we can stop by at a store first before going to the restaurant," I said.

"What should we get them?" Suga hyung asks.

"Maybe we get them something they'd actually like. Instead of just getting something simple. J-hope and I have done some research on them and I'm pretty sure Rosé likes animals and she's known as the 'chipmunk' because of her cheeks, Jisoo likes pikachu, Lisa likes bunnies, and Jennie likes... GUCCI," Jin hyung says and smirks at me at the end.

"I think maybe we should go shop for them individually and actually pick out something that they would like. I know Rosé-shii also likes to play the guitar! I can get her something!" Jungkook volunteers.

"I'll get Jennie something," I said.

"We'll get the other stuff for the other girls then. Jimin and Suga are busy before the dinner. So me, J-Hope, and Namjoon are going to shop for Lisa and Jisoo then," Jin hyung said.

"Araso. I'm going to get going then so that I'm not late for dinner. I'll just meet you guys there," I said.

I got so excited thinking about shopping for Jennie. I know Jennie likes CHANEL too and pretty much anything cute. I've seen some fans ship us online and even calls us the GUCCI Couple so maybe I'll get her something from GUCCI.

I arrived at the mall and decided to go to GUCCI for Jennie's gift. I wasn't sure if I should get her clothes or maybe a purse. Would it be too much if I get her a purse? Will she think it's too much? I know we've only known each other for a short time. She might feel uncomfortable if I give her something too expensive.

An employee decided to go up to me and asked me if I was looking for anything specific. Luckily he didn't recognize me because of my hat and mask.

"I'm looking for a present. I'm not really sure what to get her," I explained.

"May I ask who it's for? Maybe I can help you if I know who it's for."

"Uuuumm... It's for my girlfriend," I lied.

I don't know why I had to lie to him. I could've just said it's for a friend, but to say that it's for my girlfriend definitely makes me miss having a normal life and having a girlfriend.

"Does your girlfriend like to match with you?"

That got me thinking if Jennie's into couple things. I know we tend to have some matching items from GUCCI and fans has pointed it out. I don't think it would hurt to get something matching.

"Yes she does," I replied.

"Then I have the perfect items. I know technically it's just for your girlfriend but couples these days are really into matching items."

He led me to the accessories area and showed me two phone cases.

**Imagine two phone cases. One black and one white**

"We have these two phone cases

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"We have these two phone cases. It's pretty popular right now and a lot of couples really like the design and the contrast between the black and white cases," He explains.

"Perfect! I'll take both the black and white," I said.

I decided to keep the white one and give the black one to Jennie since she falls under the "BLACK" part of BLACKPINK. I think it's perfect. I can't help but feel giddy for getting her a present and even making it a matching one too. I asked the employee to wrap the case for me and I decided to put the white case on my phone.

I can't believe today's the day we're going to have dinner with BTS. Taehyung sunbae still continues to text me. I have to admit that he's very determined to be my "friend". He always says that he wants to be friends but I'm not dense nor am I naive. I know he wants more than friendship and that's why I have a hard time replying to him sometimes.

I do find him annoying sometimes, but I don't dislike him. I do like him as a person.

What am I even saying? Whether I like him or not, it really doesn't matter. It's not safe and it's not right for us to be interacting with them a lot. This dinner is going to have to be the first and last time we hang out with them.

This can't continue and I already know that Rosé is crushing on Jungkook.

Why am I so worried?


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