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I froze. He's here.

As I was walking toward the van while removing my mask, I noticed a man outside the YG building.

It's him.

I didn't realize I was staring at him before entering the van. If Jisoo unnie didn't push me in the van, I'm pretty sure I would've just stayed there and continued to stare at the stranger.

Dang, I'm pretty sure he saw me too and now knows who I am. Aish! Now he's really going to think Jennie Kim from BLACKPINK is crazy! I hope he's not a fan or, even worse, an anti-fan who's ready to tell the world that I basically argued with him over a vanilla milkshake.

"Yah! Kim Jennie, what are you thinking about?" Jisoo unnie asked me.

I looked at her confused and said, "me? Nothing. I'm not thinking about anything."

"Then why do you look so worried and kind of lovestruck, huh?"

"Lovestruck? Yah! I do NOT look lovestruck! That doesn't even make sense."

"Aigo! I was just joking, hehe."

Jisoo unnie really knows how to tease me. She definitely knows when I can't stop thinking about something or someone. I really can't stop thinking about my encounter with that stranger. Now that I know he knows who I am, I'm even more worried about what he thinks of me.

It's weird, though, because I feel like I've met him or seen him somewhere before. His eyes look familiar, and his voice sounds familiar.

Why am I even thinking about this? It's not like I'll see him again anyway.

I returned to the dorm around 10pm and noticed that everyone was still awake.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!!!" I yell.

"Stop yelling, hyung! What do you want?" Jungkook replies. The rest of the members also start listening to our conversation.

"Guess, guess who I saw at the YG building?"

"Wait! I want to guess too!" Jimin and Jin say at the same time.

"Ugh, fine! But hurry up and guess and let me know when you give up cuz I really want to tell you guys," I tell the rest of the members.

"Teddy Park," Namjoon says.


"YG?" Suga asks.


"Jinusean sunbae!" Jimin yells.


"Omo! Is it BLACKPINK!?!?" Jungkook guesses.

"Ding ding ding! The Golden Maknae wins!"

"What?!?! How did you see them, and I didn't?" Jungkook whines.

"Because you decided to drive back home, and I decided to continue to walk towards the YG building," I brag to Jungkook.

"Daaaeeebak!!!" Everyone else gets excited.

I can't wait to tell Jungkook this part, though.

"But Jungkook... Guess who we encountered and argued with at the convenience store?" I ask.

"ANI ANI ANI!!! It can't be!?!? BLACKPINK???" Jungkook asks excitedly.

"YES! I argued with Kim Jennie! And I'm pretty sure it was Rosé that you argued with!"

"What! I'm so jealous! Jungkook, you argued with Rosé-shi!" Jimin whines at Jungkook.

"I didn't know! But.. DAEBAK! I knew her voice sounded familiar! Hyung, let's go back there next weekend. Maybe they'll be there again," Jungkook suggests.

"Whoah... you guys can't just go back there and expect them to be there, and even if they were there, what the heck are you guys even going to do? You can't just talk to them, you know.
1. They're idols too. They have an image to maintain.
2. They're YG.
3. They're YG!
You can't expect to just be friends with them, you know. If people also find out, what will you guys explain to our fans?" Of course, Namjoon, the leader, has to say that.

He makes a good point but isn't he bored with this whole "image to maintain" thing.

"Uhhh, I agree with Namjoon hyung, but can I come next time?" J-Hope says excitedly to Jungkook and me.

We all laugh. But we all knew the consequences too. I think at this point, though, I don't really care. I mean, who's to say that they will be there anyway. It's just nice to kind of look forward to something.

"Aish! You guys are going to get those girls in trouble, but I'm a fan too, so I guess I want to be there too if you, Jungkook, and J-Hope decide to go," Namjoon hyung says.

"Oh man! Jin hyung! Suga hyung! We're going too!" Jimin says.

"Okay, so then it's settled. We're all going to that convenience store and walking to the YG building next weekend, right?" I ask.

"YES!" Everyone agrees.

Wow. So much for being careful about our image. Looks like everyone's down to "stalk" the BLACKPINK girls.

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