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Oppa. Gomawo.
I know the trucks were from you guys.
We appreciate it.

Taehyung Oppa
You're welcome!

Yah!! I'm trying to be nice and say thank you!
Don't send silly emojis. And I'm still mad at you for coming to our meet and greet. You could've gotten caught!

Taehyung Oppa
But I didn't 😘

😒 Bye.

"I can't believe BTS got us those trucks!"

"They're so nice! We should get them something in return. They got us presents last time and now food trucks too."

Jisoo unnie, Lisa, and Chaeng has been talking nonstop about BTS since we arrived at the dorm. They keep talking about how kind they are and that we should repay them. I don't disagree with them, but I don't really want to continue to talk about BTS. Ever since we became friends with BTS that's all everyone ever talks about. When they start talking about them I typically just go straight to my room.

"Unnie, did you text Taehyung oppa already?" Chaeng asks me.

"Neh. I thanked him already."

"They're so sweet right?" Lisa said.

That's when I decided to walk back to my room. I decided to lay in bed and go through social media. I even posted an Instagram story of just me looking at the camera and saying "I'm tired but I can't sleep".

A few minutes after I posted my story I saw a message from @realllllmino. It was a video message and it looks like it was a post from his Instagram story where he tagged me. I clicked play and saw that it was Mino Oppa in the YG studio and it looks like there's a couple of people with him in the studio. Someone was recording him and he turns to the camera and raps,

"Jennie can't sleep

Hit me so deep

And sweeps me off my feet!"

And then he stops rapping and covers his face and says, "AHHHH! OTTOKE OTTOKE!! So embarrassing! Mianhe Jennie-ah!" Before the video ends you can hear all the people in the room laughing.

Oppa's really funny. This got me wanting to send him a reply video.

I looked at the camera and started recording my reply Instagram story.

"Yah! Mino oppa. Stop being embarrassing!"

I made sure to tag Mino oppa.

Mino Oppa
Jennie-ahhhhhh! Ottoke that was an embarrassing rap. Lol.
Mian. Btw, Bobby and I are going to meet up with sajangnim tommorow.
We're going to make sure our trio collab happens!

I'm too busy for you guys.
Just kidding! Keep me updated.

Mino Oppa
Yea yea yea .. I get it.
You're too famous for us.

YAH! I didn't say that!
Btw, are you guys recording? Who are you with?

Mino Oppa
Yea we are. Just for fun.
I'm with Seunghoon, Hanbin, Bobby, and Jinhwan

Woooow. I see how it is. 😒
You guys never invite me when it comes to stuff like that.

Mino Oppa
That's because you're too busy for us, remember?

I was joking

Mino Oppa
I know I know.
I'm just playing with you Jennie.
Next time I'll invite you though.
We have some tracks that could use a girl's voice.

Really?! I'll sing in it! It sounds like fun.
Anyway, I'm sleepy now.
Thanks for talking to me oppa.

Mino Oppa
Goodnight Jennie

Goodnight oppa.

I hope we can actually collaborate. I think it'll be fun to rap with them. Lately I've been really wanting to rap more. If this collaboration happens, I know Mino oppa and Bobby oppa will let me rap and not just be their vocals. As I was thinking about our possible collaboration, I noticed my phone ringing. I saw the screen and it says Taehyung Oppa. Why is he calling me?

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