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Both BLACKPINK and BTS are finally in the same country. We're all in Korea again. Taehyung oppa has been texting me nonstop since they arrived last night. He wants me to go shopping with him and go to a cafe. He said it could be our first official date. I'm really excited because I've been needing a break lately mostly after my solo promotions and Minho oppa's promotions. We've been working nonstop and we've been promoting together.

I hear the doorbell ring so I immediately go to the door to open it. I know it's Tae oppa!  Once I open the door I was surprised.

It wasn't Tae oppa, instead it was Taeyong from NCT.

"Ummm hi Jennie," Taeyong said to me. "I know you're surprised. I mean you look surprised right now hehehe."

I am surprised. What's he doing here and how did he know where I lived?

"Hi... Taeyong-shi."

I didn't know what else to say.

"I'm sorry for coming here unannounced. I'm also sorry for bothering you right now. I'm sure you're pretty busy. But uuuumm... I wanted to give you this."

Taeyong hands me a bouquet of flowers. I thought I was surprised earlier, but this definitely surprises me even more.

"Um thanks," I don't really know what else to say to him.

"I know this is weird Jennie-shi. I'm sure Mino or Bobby has said something to you. I guess I just wanted to take action now because I wouldn't want them to continue to speak for me. I should speak for myself instead. I know we don't know each other well so I'm just going to drop this off. I just wanted to at least give this to you to show my interest I guess. I'm sorry if this is weird, but I just had to do something instead of nothing. Don't worry about me bothering you too much. I just wanted my feelings to be known. That's all. Anyway, I'm going to get going now. Have a nice day Jennie-shi. I hope to see you around soon," Taeyong said before walking away.

Instead of saying thank you or even saying anything at all I just stood there with the flowers in my hand. I still couldn't believe what just happened.

"I seriously can't leave you alone for 5 seconds without some guy hitting on you huh?" I hear Tae oppa's voice.

I wake up from my daze and notice Taehyung oppa walking towards me.

"Is this how it is normally for you? Are guys seriously going up to you giving you a bouquet of flowers?" Taehyung oppa said while walking towards me. Looking kinda irritated to be honest.

"Uhhhhh... I don't even know what just happened. I'm questioning if that was even Taeyong-shi from NCT," I explained to him.

"TAEYONG FROM NCT!?!?!" Tae oppa yelled.

"Yah! Do you have yell?" I grab his arm and drag him inside the apartment in case someone notices him.

"Was that seriously Taeyong? How does he know where you live? Are there other guys coming here?"

"Ani, no other guys. Just you. I don't know how he knows where I live. I also don't know who gave him my address. I don't think Mino oppa would give him my address considering that he knows I'm with you. Bobby oppa wouldn't have said anything either. Unless NCT lives in this apartment too?"

"Aish! I'll find out. I'm gonna text someone and figure out if they live in this apartment. Maybe I should buy an apartment here."

"Yah! Don't be so rash."

"Well then how am I supposed to know when a guy is hitting on you?"

"You don't. Because there won't be any."

"How do you explain what just happened then?"

"Tae, please just stop. It doesn't even matter because I'm with you aren't I? We're together so you need to calm down."

"That's the thing! I know we're together but they don't."

"Oh Tae. I know it's hard to not be able to just tell people about us, but you know why we can't."

Taehyung oppa sat down at the couch and finally stopped looking irritated.

He grabbed both my hands and said, "I'm sorry. I know this isn't your fault. It's not your fault that you're so cute, sexy, charismatic, kind, classy, and elegant. You're every man's dream and I'm the lucky bastard that ended up with you. I'll probably be hated for dating you. For taking Korea's current IT girl."

I couldn't help but laugh at what he just said. He's the sweetest even when he's jealous.

"You don't have anything to worry about Tae. I'm with you and that's all that matters. I'll ask Mino oppa if he gave my address away to Taeyong-shi. I mean I'm sure he didn't, but I'll ask him anyway."

"No, I'm sure he didn't. I have a feeling those guys live in this apartment too actually."

"Well, even if they do live here it shouldn't matter."

"I know it shouldn't but I can't help but worry anyway. Too many guys are way into you right now. There's a lot of competition."

"There's no competition. I'm with you."

"That's right. You're with me, and I'm with you."

Tae looks at me and caresses my cheek. He slowly leans his head towards me and kisses me. I smiled and kissed him back.

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