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"Song Mino?" I look at him surprised that he's right in front of me. I didn't think this is how I would meet Mino for the first time, basically in front of Jennie's dorm and both questioning each other's identity.

"Nice to meet you!" He said with his hand extended to me. I shook his hand but I'm still honestly shocked that he's here right now.

"Ne, nice to meet you too. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you doing here?" I finally said to him.

Mino laughs and says, "Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing? Actually, I'm the one that happens to be her best friend and people know we hang out. So it's normal for me to meet my chingu. But you... hmmm.. technically you don't have business here don't you?"

I was taken aback by his statement and question. Mino looks at me with a smirk on his face and I can see the mischievous look in his eyes.

"Just kidding. I don't mean to worry you or scare you, Taehyung. I was just messing with you. I good friend of mine has already told me about your crush on Jennie, but I'm guessing this is more than a crush huh? I can't believe Jennie's been hiding this from me. Are you the reason why she's been feeling down lately?"

Now that I didn't expect. I had no idea she was feeling down. Now I'm worried about her and I have to see her. Now.

"I didn't know she was feeling down. I'm sorry but I need to talk to her now."

I pressed the doorbell multiple times without even thinking about the fact that Mino is still next to me. I need to see her, and I know she's in there. I press the doorbell again, and we see the door slowly open.

When the door was fully opened a shocked Jennie is what appears.

I guess I would be shocked too considering both Mino and I are in front of her. In front of her dorm. I already know she's going to be pissed at me.

Shocked. I was completely and utterly shocked. Mino oppa and Taehyung oppa? What's going on?

Before I could say anything Mino oppa comes in and grabs Taehyung oppa to come in with him.

"Sorry Jennie, but the longer we wait outside the more likely someone will see us," Mino oppa explains.

I was still at a trance. Kim Taehyung is here. He's back.

Oh wait, why is Mino oppa with Taehyung oppa?

I close the door and ask them, "Why are you both here? Why are you together? Do you even know each other? Did anybody notice you guys?"

"Whoah, calm down. I'll answer your questions one at a time. I'm here cuz I wanted to check if you're okay. He's here probably to ask you to be his girlfriend or something. That's probably why he has flowers with him. This is just a coincidence, and we don't know each other. We just met outside of your dorm for the first time and I'm pretty sure nobody noticed us. I took off my mask to show him who I was cuz he was worried I was a fan and knew your dorm," Mino oppa explained calmly. He looks like he's the only calm one in this room.

Aish! I already know he's going to tease me about this. He's probably going to have a lot of questions for me.

I see Taehyung oppa remove his mask and he walks up to me and hands me the flowers he's been holding. He also handed me a bag. I looked inside and it looks like a bunch of random things. I'll have to go through it later.

"Taehyung oppa.. kamsahamnida. But what exactly are you doing here? Aren't you on tour?"

"I am, but we have a week off. I decided to go home for my break. Are you okay? Is everything okay? Mino said you've been feeling down? What happened?"

Taehyung oppa grabbed my shoulder looking at me worried. He genuinely looked worried. Which made me teary-eyed, because one I haven't seen him in so long, two I haven't spoken to him in two weeks, and three I'm just overwhelmed by the fact that he's here. He's actually here.

I think Taehyung oppa noticed that I was overwhelmed and about to cry so he hugs me.

"It's okay Jennie-ah. We'll talk about it later. You're okay. Everything's okay. I'm here now," Taehyung oppa tries to soothe me.

We hear someone clearing their throat, and we realize that Mino oppa is still here. Oops!

I pull away from Taehyung oppa and look at Mino oppa.

"Sorry Mino oppa. I forgot you were here. I know you probably have a lot of questions, but can we talk about it another time. I swear I'm okay now."

"Yea yea yea. I can see that now. Now I know why you were down, but tomorrow we have another meeting. So meet me half an hour before the actual meeting because you have a lot of explaining to do."

Before Mino oppa starts walking towards the door he first puts a hand on my head and shakes my hair and says to me, "I'm here too Jennie-ah. I hope you guys work it out, whatever this is. Regardless, I'm here as your best friend and I'm here if you need someone to talk to."

Then he turns to Taehyung oppa and say, "It was nice meeting you Taehyung. I hope the next time we meet Jennie is feeling better, and I hope we can be friends. I promise, I'm not a threat. But you should know... you're not the only one after her heart."

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