episode ten : flirts, jerks, and pooh bear?

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a/n: sorry for foul grammar, i will fix it tomorrow. i just wanted to upload this! love you guys and hope everyone is doing good:)

Previously on Big Brother...

Scottie rose to power and put the bros on the chopping block...

*brett and winston at nomination ceremony*

...Y/n and Bayleigh both got granted a power app...

*shows both girls getting happy about the power app*

Tonight, who will win veto and will it used to save the hacker or dog lover? It all happens now on Big Brother...

*Tyler and Bayleigh dancing to Y/n's tapping*

"There we go, babes," Sam called out.

*rolls intro*

"Congratulations, you have selected, "Upgrade". This power app gives you the opportunity to kick the power from the current HOH's hands into your own. You will be able to use this power before any one of the next nomination ceremonies in the next seven weeks?! You will take over being HOH, anonymously. You will be able to nominate two houseguests of your choice for eviction except the current known HOH for that week due to them still being able to hold immunity that week and keys to HOH room. You will also be able to kick that same HOH from the veto competition and pick any houseguest of your choosing in place! If the veto is used, you will also have the power to nominate a new houseguest. And you will still be able to vote come eviction night while the known HOH will not be able to," I read off the screen. The adrenaline in my veins began to flow like a river.

"Thank you so much, America!" I screamed, doing a lap around the room, "I won't let you down!"

I gathered myself and walked out of the room with a neutral look on my face.


"America, I love you. That's why I now have this on..." I pointed to Tyler's American Flag bandana that was wrapped around my head, "oh, America. You really know how to treat a girl."

End Of My DR

I joined Tyler back on the bed as a voice called out, "the BB Appstore is now closed for good, but two more power apps are in play."

"Geez, I wonder who got it," Tyler whispered, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I looked up at him in the eyes and chuckled.

"You got it, didn't you," he raised an eyebrow.


His jaw dropped, "no way! What is it?!"

"It's called Upgrade. It's basically where I get to be HOH anonymously for a week of my choosing plus more..." I explained, he instantly attacked me into a hug.

"We both have power apps! I have the cloud and you have upgrade! This is amazing. This makes us like a power couple right?" He smiled down at me as he leaned up slightly.

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