episode thirteen : betray me once, jokes on me wait no actaully jokes on you

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a/n: probably a lot of typos i'm too lazy to fix, enjoy! make sure to comment!

Big Brother Voice: Previously on big brother...

with the hoh back up for grabs, the beach babe took home the win

*shows y/n winning the hoh comp*

...she decided to nominate the texas sweetheart and vegas performer as pawns to backdoor the orb speaker...

*shows y/n talking to rachel about backdooring kaitlyn*

Tonight, who will win the power of veto? And will it be used to save Haleigh or Rachel from eviction? It all happens now on Big Brother...

"Floaters grab a life vest," Y/n imitated Rachel Reilly. 

*rolls to intro*

"Kaitlyn's my backdoor plan," I assure Tyler, resting my head against his bicep as we watch the TV together.

"Alright," he sighed, taking the remote from me and turning off the TV, "update me on what's been happening."

"Oh yeah okay. So I'm pretty sure Haleigh, Rockstar, Fessy, Scottie, and Bayleigh are with me on this. I mean I got Haleigh to volunteer to be a fucking pawn for crying out loud," I cheered, giving him a high five.

"That's pretty good. So who do you want to play in veto?" He leaned away from me so he can get a better look at my face.

"Really anyone except for Sam, JC, and Kaitlyn. I'm pretty sure anyone from this side would pull down Rachel and anyone from their side would pull down Haleigh," I explained, turning the TV back on.

"What if it comes down to like me and Fessy?" Tyler asks.

"Throw it to him. I will convince him to use it on Haleigh, and that gives you a smaller chance of exploiting your game."

"Yeah, that's good. Okay, so my turn. Kaitlyn pulled me aside yesterday and tried to make me swear on my dad's life that I voted out Brett..." Tyler frowned.

"Are you kidding? She should not be saying that," I brought him into a hug, soothingly rubbing his back up and down.


"Kaitlyn is literally so ignorant. Why would go around making people swear up and down on things? I can't believe she did it to Tyler, she should know that his father isn't with us anymore," I silently tear up at the camera, "god she has to go."

End Of My DR
"Hey guys it's time to pick players from the veto meeting," I called out from the living room.

"This is the veto player meeting. Will the two nominees please join me up here," Rachel and Haleigh stood beside me, "at a time the two houseguests and I will each draw a name out of the bucket to play veto. As head of household, I'll go first....JC."

Rachel ended up picking Sam.
And Haleigh picked Fessy in HG choice.

"Big Brother will let us know when the competition will begin, good luck!" I cheered.
"Hey, guys!" I heard a voice come from the front door.

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