episode forty-one : there's still time

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a/n: there will be a chapter or two left:)

*Skipping over the recap episode with Jeff*

Previously on Big Brother

JC stole the power from Level Seven's grasp, therefore, leaving them defenseless with a game-altering decision...

*Shows JC winning HOH and putting Tyler and Y/n on the block*

A recap of JC played, "You, you have just been a bitch to me."

With the guarantee of one of the last final three standing members of Level Seven going to Jury this week, all were left to fend for themselves...

*Shows Tyler winning veto*

And with his position locked into Final Three, Tyler had to make the hardest decision of the summer...

*Shows Kaycee leaving*

Tonight, who will win the final HOH and snag a spot in the seats of the Final Two? And who does the jury believe is the true contender in the summer? It all happens now on the season finale of Big Brother!

"I may have been a little selfish," Tyler mumbled in a recap.

*Rolls intro*

"Goodnight, houseguests," Julie signed off. JC, Tyler, and I each were hanging from our jetpacks. My hands had already begun cramping from around the handles and my core was starting to tighten.


"I visibly see the check Big Brother signed for me with five-hundred-k on it going into my bank account, that's how close I am to winning Big Brother. I just have to hang on long enough. Tyler and I came up with a deal where I win round one and he wins round two, but right now, my game is in my own hands."

End Of My DR

My jetpack started to spin in circles as fog started to blow onto the jetpacks.

"This burns so bad," I groan as my jetpack decided to rock back and forth. Tyler grinned over at me as he yelled to me, "You got it, babe!"

I watched as JC dropped from the jetpack and Tyler further became stiff on the Jetpack.


"Tyler, drop!"

End Of My DR

My arms started to shake before I fell from the jetpack onto the mat.

"Let's go!" Tyler jumped down from his jetpack and crawled over to me, bringing me into a warm hug.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," Tyler whispered in my ear after repeatedly kissing the shell of my ear.

"Hey, you're fine, Ty," I whisper, cupping his chin and run my hand along his stubble.

*Skip over HOH part two*

"Congratulations, Y/n, you will be battling me in part three of the final HOH," Tyler beamed as I ran and gave him a large bear hug.

*Final part of HOH*

"Hello, houseguests!" Julie smiled as she spoke over the intercom.

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