episode twenty : damsel in distress

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a/n: this is short, but oh well

Previously on Big Brother...

Haleigh won HOH...

*shows haleigh winning*

just in time to see her best friend walk out the door...

*shows bayleigh leaving*

Tonight, who will be nominated? And will a power app be used? It all happens now on Big Brother...

"Woah," Tyler screamed, burning his hand on a hot pan.

*rolls intros*

"You annoy me..." Tyler mumbled from behind me as I played with his hands.

"Why?" I laugh, turning onto my back. Tyler laughed along with me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Cause you just walk around this house...being yourself...and making it difficult of me to play..." He took a deep breath and blew it onto my neck, "You're just...annoying."

Tyler's DR

"Man it's hard, Y/n is just...Y/n. Gosh, Big Brother just had to tempt me this season," he chuckled, messing with his hands.

"I may have a small crush..." He covered his face.

"Okay, maybe a big one..." He sighed.

End Of Tyler's DR

"I could say the same, Curly Que," I chuckle at my nickname for him as I comb my hand through his curls.

"We're still going on a date after this right?" He mumbled, closing his eyes to the feeling of my hand combing through his hair.

"Yeah," I simply say as the door opens.

"What's going on in here?" JC interrupted.

"Nothing, just talking," Tyler groaned, sitting up and looking at JC.


"Tyler and Y/n have been hanging out together a lot...Are they that good of friends?" He asked, dumbfounded.

*camera shows Y/n and Tyler kissing after JC left*

End Of JC's DR

*later on*

"Hello, love," I greeted, sitting down on Haleigh's HOH bed.

"Hi, you wanna talk?" She smiled, setting down her lettuce wrap.

"If you don't mind..." I said, fixing my mic.

"Yeah, okay!"

"So where's your head at?" I asked.

"Well, obviously my target is Tyler. No new information."

I nodded and smirked. Maybe some mind games help out.

"You should backdoor him," I suggest, looking down at my fingernails.


"So he can't play in veto..." I add. I completely lied, I only wanted her to backdoor him so he could use his power app and be safe.

"Hmm, I'll think about."

Haleigh's DR

"So Y/n, has come to me with this brilliant idea to backdoor her closest ally. Wow, I might just have to do that. Hopefully, we can work together again."

End Of Haleigh's DR


"I'm never going to work with Haleigh again. I am always gonna feel betrayed by her. She can say sorry and we can "make up", but I will never work with her again. To somehow make her think I still trust her, I tell her to backdoor Tyler and to add on to that, I'm gonna put myself on the block," I laughed, winking at the camera.

End Of My DR

"She wants to backdoor you..." I whisper to Tyler.

"You pitched it?" He smirks as I nod, "Perfect."

"And I'm gonna wow everyone at the nom ceremony. I'm probably really stupid, but..." I explain.

*nomination ceremony*

"Houseguests, it's time for the nomination ceremony," Haleigh announced, calling everyone from the pink room.

Everyone gathered around the dining room table and watched as Haleigh start her speech.

"This is the nomination ceremony, in my box are two keys to houseguests who I have nominated for eviction. The first person I have nominated is..." Angela's face appeared and then Kaycee's.

*skip over the nomination ceremony*

"Houseguests, please gather in the living room," Haleigh called.

"This is a message from Big Brother," she said as the TV turned on.

"Houseguests," the BB hacker showed up, "the hacker competition is now canceled because a power app has been used. The fourth and final power app has been activated. The fourth power app is called...Upgrade. It allows the receiver of the power app to take place of the HOH, anonymously. The receiver has activated their power app. Haleigh as current HOH, you have been dethroned, but are still safe for the week. And so the new HOH has nominated two new replacement nominees. Angela and Kaycee are free of the chopping block. The two new nominees are...Rockstar and...Y/n."

My jaw dropped as I acted as if I didn't know what was going on. I took a seat next to Rockstar on the green part of the couch and watched as Haleigh stared at both of us in shock.

"This was a power app. My reign of HOH is now over and is now taken up by one of your houseguests..." Haleigh choked on her words.

Haleigh's DR

"Someone has come after my two good friends in the house and I'm not gonna stop until that person is out," she wiped a tear.

End Of Haleigh's DR


"l probably made a very stupid move by putting myself up, but if I can play blindsided to Haleigh maybe I gain her trust enough to see her walk out those doors next week," I smiled to the camera.

End Of My DR

Rockstar's DR

"Whoever put me up, you have one thing coming to you," she rolled her eyes.

End of Rockstar's DR

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