episode twenty-six : can finally exhale

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a/n: oh my god so i caught up pretty well in the series:)))

Previously on Big Brother...

Angela won head of household...

"Look who came around," Angela swung the HOH key around her wrist in her DR.

And decided to target Fessy and Haleigh...

"I feel blindsided," said Fessy.

And Tyler got real with how he felt with Y/n...

"What did you expect?" Tyler screamed at Y/n.

Tonight who will the golden power of veto? And will it be used to save either Faysal or Haleigh from eviction? It all happens now on Big Brother...

"No fucking way!" Yelled Tyler, looking at his hair in the mirror.

*rolls intro*

*player picking meeting*

"Hey, guys, it's time to pick players for the veto," Angela called out. Everyone cheered and gather around the living room.

"This is the player picking ceremony. Only six houseguests will compete in the veto competition. Will the two nominees please join me up here?" Angela asked to Haleigh and Fessy. They nodded and walked up there with her.

Kaycee, JC, and Sam ended up getting picked for the veto.
I was laying on my bed, listening to the snores of Brett who was sleeping a few beds away from mine. Tyler was in the next room, he had moved beds since our fight.

I got up from the bed and walked into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich.

"Y/n?" Tyler questioned, rubbing his eyes while walking into the kitchen.

"Uh, yeah?"

"I want to apologize," He frowned as he made his way to stand beside me.

I stayed silent and stopped my movement from spreading peanut butter across my sandwich to stare up at him.

"Thank you," he smiled slightly, "I want to start off by saying that I really like you, honestly. You are straight to the tee someone I would love to end up with in the real world. I never meant to say I didn't want a relationship with you in the house. I just didn't want a huge target on our backs, I didn't want to break your trust for me, but I just didn't want a huge target on your back if somehow the word got to them that you knew that you were their target. Y/n, I am so sorry."

I dropped the spoon I had in my hand and quickly wrapped Tyler up in my arms. He chuckled and set his head on top of mine.

"Ty, you mean that?" I mumble into his chest.

I felt him nod and rub my back, "Extremely."

"And also I wanted to ask..." He added.

I cocked an eyebrow as I backed away slightly from him.

"Will you be my bed-mate again?" He grinned. I laughed and nodded, ruffling his hair slightly.

"Of course, Ty."

*veto meeting*

Kaycee called the veto meeting due to her being the winner of the competition.

"This is the veto meeting, Faysal and Haleigh have been nominated for eviction, but I have the power to veto one of those nominations. And I have decided, not to use the power of veto. This veto meeting is adjourned," Kaycee took off the veto and placed it into the box.


"Finally, it's gonna feel so good to wave goodbye to Fessy or Haleigh. I can finally breathe...gosh," I giggle.

End Of My DR

*live feeds*

youtube: tyler gets straightened out

"Alright, turn around and reveal it into this mirror," Sam said, running her hands through Tyler's newly straightened out. Brett let out a laugh as Tyler removed his hands.

"Pick your head up so I know how to do it," Sam sighed, pulling on Tyler's head.

"Oh, look at that!" I smile in the mirror to Tyler as he held a towel over his face. Sam flipped his hair slightly, creating a part.

"Look at her!" Kaycee called out.

"It looks really good, Ty," I add as everyone continues to compliment him.

"Ok, you can look," Sam stated, removing her hands from his hair.

"Ready?" He said, taking the towel off.

"What the fuck?" He shouted, not even knowing what to do with his hands. They just kept patting the roots of his hair.

"Hell no!" Tyler screamed as everyone laughed at his reaction.

"It looks good!" Sam commented.

"No!" Tyler screamed in response.

He planted his face into his hands as he collected himself.

"What the fuck!" He screamed again.

Everyone continued to laugh, hard.

"He looks so scared!"

"It looks good, dude."

"No fucking way," Tyler screamed, standing up, "I cannot look at that shit."

"I look like a fucking female," Tyler laughed, walking over to sit by me on the bathroom bench.

"Okay, okay. Does it look good, Y/n?" His face turned serious as he looked me dead in the eye.

"Yes!" I chuckle.

"You're such a bad liar..." He groaned, running a hand through his hair.

"Here I can fix it," I said, standing up on the bench and grabbed onto Tyler's hair. I threw it up into a bun that was half up-half down.

"There," I smile and sit back down.

"I look so bad!" He sighed.

"Tyler, please come to the diary room"

"They did that just to piss me off," Tyler cried out. I laughed as I pushed him in the direction of the DR.

"You look hot, Fabio," I chuckle as I made fun of him.

He turned and flicked me off.

"I would too," I call back to him.

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