Ch. 2

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Still the same day...

*Addison's POV*

It was around six o'clock that night. Since Brian and James were coming, they brought Joe and I food from Five Guys. I felt pleased, for they didn't have to do the little treat. They handed me my burger with a special shake before setting the fries in the middle of the four of us. We all ate, pleased to not be eating hospital food.

"So Addison, tell me," James started, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "What has been going on exactly between you and Sal?"

"Why the fuck did you ask that?" Brian snapped at his friend, shoving his elbow into James' side.

"Ouch, for one. I didn't need an allow to the side!" James argued as he pushed Brian. "And second, I'm curious, and I know you guys are probably curious as well!"

"It's fine Brian. He can ask what he wants to ask." I said with a small chuckle. "Sal and I have been in an argument about him 'cheating' when you guys went on the European tour. Of course, it was a small argument at first. But then Sal asked if we were going to break up when I was at a coffee shop earlier today. I rushed to his house in anger. There we got into a heated disagreement. Sal was about to hit me again, then he brought his hand down. He invited me into his house, with a very suspicious attitude. I asked him if he was cheating on me, and that's when he admitted to actually be cheating on me with another girl named Kristen. He seemed happy to be in that relationship, so I broke down and ran out of the house."

"Sal has problems." Joe commented as he ate a fry.

I let out a small chuckle. "I agree."

"What doesn't make sense to me is why he would cheat. He seemed so happy to be with you." James said.

"I agree with James for once." Brian said. "It doesn't make sense why Sal would cheat on an amazing person like you. He's loved you for so long, why did he do this to himself?"

"I wouldn't be able to answer that." I said with a shrug.

I finished up the small bit of my burger before taking a small sip of my shake. Brian and James finished up the last bit of fries as Joe and I let our stomachs rest.

"Where is Sal anyways?" I asked.

"Sal said he has some business to take care of last I heard." James said.

"What business?" I asked.

"He didn't say. He just said he needed to get it done before anything else got worse." James said wiping his hands with a sanitizer wipe.

"Sal has been so sketchy lately, it's unbelievable. He used to be so kind, so loving. And now? He seems to be pushing my away. Well, he did push me away. I'm probably nothing to him anymore." I finished with a sad chuckle.

"Addison, you may be hurt, and very very sad, but just know you have the three of us. Maybe with you being with us more often will show Sal that he's missing out on such an amazing person." Joe said.

"I don't want revenge." I brought up quickly. "I don't want to hurt him as much as he did to me. I've already done this to him before. Remember?" The guys nodded their heads. "He doesn't deserve it."

"Well, if you think he doesn't deserve it, that's fine. But I think damn well he deserve a nice verbal abuse." Brian said.

"Please Brian, don't." I said looking at him.

"Addison, we can't just avoid this like it's nothing!" Brian said.

"Yes, I know he may! But please, I don't want you guys to do this. I will do everything that you guys might do when you see him. So please, just try to contain yourself." I pleaded.

Brian scoffed. "Fine. But just know I will not handle this."

Brian grabbed the trash and got up with force. As soon as he went into the bathroom, I looked at Joey and James.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked.

"He's not happy at the moment. He's been having an argument with his family about meeting a spouse of his own." Joe said.

"Okay. So why is that a problem?" I asked with curiosity.

"You don't understand." James started. "Brian has been getting this since he moved off with his ex-fiancé. Not only did Brian fall into deep depression, but he has also given up on love. He believes no one will ever love him ever again. That's why we know him as the 'bringing a girl home from a bar' guy. He only does it for the fun. He doesn't think that people will love him for the way he is."

I looked over at Joe, who was nodding in agreement. I let out a puff of air as I laid back in the hospital bed. "I feel so bad for him."

"We all do, trust me." Joe said.


"Give me your arm." Brian said.

It's been an hour since we've been sitting here and just talking. After Brian came back from the restroom, I gave him a hug and told him everything would be fine. I also apologized for being so pleading. Brian also apologized for being so aggressive. After a few minutes of talking, Joe had to leave to get back with his family. James had early morning plans as well, so he left with Joe. Brian was the only one left, who had nothing to do the next morning.

"Why do you want my arm?" I asked with a chuckle.

"I want to see those tats. C'mon, hand me your arm." Brian said with a small smile.

I laughed as I brought my arm over. Brian, gently, took my arm in his hands. I watched as his eyes scanned the tattoos with interest. After a little while, he brought his one arm up. His finger touched over my tattoo and traced them.

"These are so well done." Brian said in awe.

"I know. I'm super proud on how they came out." I said.

"Well, I approve." Brian said letting go of my arm.

"Phew, thank god. I thought that if you didn't, I would have to get them covered up." I said sarcastically.

Brian laughed. I chuckled along, just enjoying the time. I don't know how long Brian and I talked though, but I do know one thing. The next morning I found him passed out on my legs. Another thing I found was a small letter on the table next to me.

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