Ch. 35

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I woke up with the feeling of Sal's naked body against mine. The sun was beaming brightly through the curtains, making my eyes squint open. Sal's arms were wrapped around my body, his head nuzzled in my neck. His soft snores made me realize he was still fast asleep. I was happy at the moment, laying here next to the man I absolutely adored. He was amazing.

But all things come to an end. My stomach started to feel nauseous again and this time I knew I was going to throw up. I didn't want to wake up Sal, but I also didn't want to throw up on the bed. I ripped Sal's arms from me and ran to the bathroom. I dunked my head into the toilet bowl and let what was in my stomach come out of me.

"Addison, I'm not coming in-" Sal gagged, "But are you okay?"

I flushed the toilet and immediately washed away the extra remedies from my mouth. I brushed my teeth, then walked out, holding my stomach. Sal sat in the bed, looking in the direction of the bathroom.

"I feel like shit." I groaned, picking up and throwing Sal his boxers. "Do you need to shower?"

"I'll do that when I go home." Sal said catching his boxers.

"Okay, well, I'm going to shower." I said, heading into my closet to pick up fresh clothes.

"Well, I'll go home then and shower." Sal told me.

"Sounds good." I replied.

I walked out of my closet to meet Sal. I gave him a kick kiss then headed into the bathroom.


I laid on my couch, a wet wash cloth resting on my head. I had two major migraines and today, and this one was the worst. I had to cancel my shoots for the day because I couldn't stand it. Another problem was that I couldn't fit into my bra, my breasts seemed to be larger than normal, which I thought was quite odd. But I didn't bother it, I just threw on a t-shirt then a sweater to cover it up.

My dog Frosty was laying on my stomach as I watched my show. I was a few seasons behind, so I thought I could finish it up while Sal was at work. Lady and Charlie were playing with their toys, playing tug-a-rope.

Eventually I got bored on my show and decided to work on my laptop, finish up my edits for my other shoots. I gently placed Frosty down next to me as I sat up, taking the cold cloth off of my now calmed head. I typed up my password and waited for my screen to load. When it did, a page was up from Google.

It was the pregnancy page I was reading yesterday...

I stared at it for a few seconds, remembering that I didn't close it yesterday after Sal surprised me. I was about to close it up until I started to read it up again. The whole time, my eyes were wide and my mouth was dropped open. Freaking out, I called the first person that came to my mind.


Bessy and I sat on the couch. We had to wait fifteen minutes before the test said anything. Ten minutes have already gone by and it seemed like it was taking forever. I was biting my nails, trying to forgive out what I would tell Sal if it was positive. I don't think we were even ready for a kid! I certainly wasn't. And we weren't even living together!

"Addison, you need to stop biting your nails." Bessy said, taking my hand away from my mouth.

"I can't help it." I said in a hushed tone. "I'm so scared."

"What are you scared about?" Bessy asked.

I let my mind run for a second. "I'm scared about what will happen between Sal and I."

"You shouldn't worry." Bessy reassured, rubbing my back. "Plus, you don't even know if your pregnant!"

I let out a very small smile. "That's true."

My phone alarm went off. It's been fifteen minutes. My stomach started to do summersaults. I was not ready.

Bessy got up and held my hand. "Come on Addison. You need to face it one day."

I nodded my head, getting up and off of the couch. We headed towards the bathroom together. It couldn't have been long enough, because it felt like we walked two steps. I wiped my eyes, taking a shaky breath.

"You're going to be okay." Bessy reassured. "You need to be sure you will be, even if you are pregnant or not."

I nodded my head. "I will be okay." I repeated.

I took one more breath before walking up to the bathroom counter. I picked up the test and flipped it over in my hands. In big bold words, the word POSITIVE was seen. Tears started to prick my eyes.

"Well?" Bessy asked.

I handed her the test. She gave it one glance before looking up at me with excitement.

"Addison! You're pregnant!" Bessy smiled.

I smiled back at her, tears of joy filling my eyes. "I'm pregnant!"

Bessy wrapped her hands around me, giving me a big hug. It was now official, Sal and I were going to have a child. And he still didn't know.


Redundantly, Sal and I's four month anniversary. We weren't going to do something special, but I pushed him to. So, we were going to go out for dinner. I wore a nice pale yellow dress with white flats and a white shawl. In my purse was a gift that would surprise Sal.

We were sitting in a restaurant together, just having a nice conversation, it wasn't something special, but we were glad that we could be so close for four months already. Time seems to fly when you are with someone you love. And that somebody for me was Sal. There was no doubt that I wouldn't love him, because he was so connected to me, and I was so connected to him.

When we were done eating, we just sat there with smiles to give. We didn't have much to say, and the gift was burning a hole in my purse.

"I actually have something for you." I said, pulling out the wrapped box.

"Addison! You didn't have to! Now you make me feel guilty." Sal said, taking the box.

"Don't worry about giving me a gift." I responded with a smile. "This is the best."

Sal's eyebrows rose to a curve. "How do you know this is the best?"

"Because I'm the one who wrapped it!" I argued with a chuckle. "Now just open it!"

Sal let out a small laugh as he took the wrapping paper off the box. I started to fiddle with my fingers as he took the cover off of the white box. His smile faded and his eyes grew wide when he saw the test. Slowly grabbing it, he flipped it over. It took a while for Sal to answer. He was quiet and just staring at the test.

Now I started to worry. I knew it, all of this was just a mistake. He didn't want to be a father, he wasn't ready. Sal hates it, and now he's going to leave. I'm going to have to raise this kid on my own. My forehead started forming sweat beads and my eyes started to become fuzzy.

Finally, Sal looked up, his eyes fuzzy with tears as well. The test sat comfortably between his fingers. "Are you pregnant?"

I nodded my head nervously, my lip tucked under my teeth. Expecting something way different, Sal surprised me with a laugh and a smile.

"You're joking Addison?!" I shook my head no. Sal laughed again, his smile becoming wider. "Oh my god! Addison, you're pregnant!"

Sal got up from his chair and came to my side. His arms grabbed my waist as he planted a loving kiss on my lips. When we pulled away, he bent down and planted his hands on my stomach, the test still in his hand.

"My kid, no, our kid is your stomach." Sal started to rub my stomach in circles. "Oh my god, there's a kid in you!"

I laughed, happy tears streaming down my face. "Yes Sal. I have a kid in me."

Sal got to my level again, planting a kiss on my lips again. "My god, our creation is in you."

"Are you happy?" I asked.

Sal scoffed. "Happy?! I'm thrilled! I'm going to be a father." Then it clicked in Sal's head. "Addison, I'm going to be a father!"

I laughed as I planted a peck on Sal's lips. "A great one too."

One Last Chance | Book 3 | Sal VulcanoKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat