Ch. 25

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James was helping me finish up some around the house decorating since Christmas was in less than six days. So, we have been adding lights around door-frames and making sure that all the necessary stuff were hanged on the walls. We had Christmas music playing in the background of the house.

James also helped me bathe the dogs since they needed a nice scrub. It wasn't an easy task, and James knew that for the first time. Something new he had to learn.

"Have you gotten any information on who's coming?" James asked.

"Sal is coming. Joe, Bessy, Milana, and Remo are coming. I know you are coming. But Brian hasn't said anything since we've broken up." I replied.

James nodded. "Do you think he's upset over your guys' break up?"

"I don't think so." I replied. "He seemed to be fine when he found out I kissed Sal. It seems like he knew that our relationship wasn't going to last."

"Hmm." James hummed. "Are you and Sal back together?"

"No." I replied quickly. "Though, we act like we are."

"What do you mean?" James asked.

"Why are you asking so many questions?" I asked with a light chuckle.

"I'm just wondering! Brian and Sal haven't been telling me anything! And Joe doesn't know anything when I ask him." James argued.

"Ouch, I'm sorry." I said. Then something clicked in my head. "Are Sal and Brian as close still?"

James sighed as he hung up the last strip of golden ruffles on the wall. "I wouldn't say close. More of just friends. They don't talk as much as they used to."

My heart sank. "I-is it because of me?"

"I don't think so. If it is, then those two are crazy. They shouldn't be fighting over a woman. Plus, they are forty fucking three years old. They're grown men. This shouldn't be what splits their friendship apart." James spat.

I bit the inside of my cheek. "I feel really bad."

"Don't." James said, placing his hand on my shoulder. "You aren't, at all, in any part of this. Even though you went out with Brian and Sal, they should be clearing it up themselves. Again, they are acting like little kids."

I looked at James, who had a look a seriousness. My lips were a flat line, not really excited with the information he had given me.

"Addison, everything is going to be alright. Just trust me." James said.

I felt my eyes start to sting. Was I going to cry? No, I can't. James gave me a reassuring smile. I couldn't help it, I wrapped myself into a hug from James. He was so comforting, and such an amazing friend.


Later that evening I was looking at all the comments on my recent Instagram post. It was a picture of James and I that we took earlier with the dogs in front of the tree. James is a selfie freak, so I had to get one with him. I posted it and everyone loved it.

I was waiting for Sal to come over so we can have our nightly Christmas movie. Tonight was Home Alone, not my favorite, but Sal insisted. I was actually anxious about Sal coming over. I don't know why, but the information James earlier had given me doubts.

Here is my problem, Sal and Brian are overreacting with each other. I think that just because they are both attracted to me that they need to dislike each other. It almost feels like they don't know what to say to each other anymore without bringing me up. And it's not okay because Sal loves me because we've been more compatible with our relationships. Not saying the past two have been done successfully, but it really has been amazing. On the other hand, Brian and I only dated for about three weeks, barely a month. Brian and I argued almost everyday. And if we weren't arguing, then we were gone doing different things. He would be doing the show, or his podcast, or drinking with his other friends. I would stay home, bake, go do photo shoots, or just hang out with friends. Brian and I are compatible as friends, not lovers.

One Last Chance | Book 3 | Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now