Ch. 30

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I finally got caught up on all my appointments for my photography company I had. It was a lot of fun to start up again because everyone seemed to be in such great moods. They loved having snow in their backgrounds, bright lights, the New York Christmas tree, it was a lot of fun. Seeing all these happy families and happy couples made me think a lot about Sal and I.

How are we doing you may ask? Well, Sal has been gone the past four days, so all is well. New Years is rolling around very fast, and I thought he would be back by now. I do get texting time with him, occasionally some FaceTime calls, but other than that we have our little time to ourselves. He is busy with his comedy, and I understand. I love that he can go out and do something that he loves. But it doesn't mean I wish he could come home and cuddle up with me, because I do love that.

I had French New Years songs playing in the background of my house as I edited the photos for a couple I did shoots for earlier this morning. Looking at the two of them made me miss Sal, but I tried to brush it off. I wanted to get these photos to them as soon as possible so they could enjoy them themselves.

While I edited, my laptop froze, signaling that I had a video chat popping up. Sure enough, it was a video chat call from Sal. I answered and got myself comfortable. On the other side of the camera was Sal's face, beaming with a bright smile.

"Hello beautiful!" Sal chirped.

"Why hello handsome." I said back. "Why are you such in a good mood?"

"I don't know. Maybe because I have a day off and I wanted to spend my morning talking to my beautiful girl." Sal flirted.

"Hmm, well, I bet that she would enjoy that." I winked. "So, I better cut this call off so you can enjoy her presence."

"You better not." Sal said seriously.

I laughed. "I was joking. I wouldn't cut your call off."

Sal stuck his tongue out at me. I stuck mine back at him. Both of us laughed.

"Hey, I was wondering if you were having plans on New Years." Sal said with a questioning tone.

"Yes, I do have plans on New Years." I said picking up Frosty in my arms. "Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering because I didn't want you to spend New Years alone." Sal said.

My heart melted. "Sal, you are too sweet." I sent him a hand heart.

Sal sent me one back. I smiled at him. "I feel bad that we won't be spending time together on New Years."

"I know that. I'm bummed out too." Sal said with sad eyes.

I huffed as I cuddled Frosty close to me. He started to lick my face, making me laugh.

"That dog is very special." Sal grumbled. "I wish I was the one doing that."

"Ooh, I see that someone is jealous." I snickered.

Sal scrunched up his face. "No I'm not. Just...missing you. That's all."

"Mhm, yeah, okay." I rolled my eyes. "Well, I have to finish work. I love you!"

"I love you too." Sal replied.

I blew him a quick kiss. Sal pretended to grab it and place it on his cheek. I smiled and waved at him, giving him a final goodbye before hanging up on him. I sighed, looking at the screen of the couple I did earlier today.

I missed Sal, I really did. And I don't want this to be a sappy love story, because it certainly seems like it. I don't want this to be cliché or redundant. But being in a relationship and being far away from each other is hard. Everyone has been through it at some point. And don't tell me you haven't, because that's a lie. Sal and I are close, but we don't want to be stuck together forever. We always need to get out and appreciate the world without each other on our backs 24/7. Sal and I know that in order for this relationship to work, we have to agree on what we are going out for. We have to know that whatever life we chose, we will live it. And we both agree on what we are doing. Our fundamentals were there, and they weren't going to break. Not this time.

I took a quick glance at the pictures before saving and closing up my laptop. I could finish that up later. For right now, I wanted to hang out with someone and take the dogs out in the snow.


"The kids love the dogs." Cameron said as we stood in the park.

"I knew that. That's why I asked if you wanted to come with me and hang out." I chuckled, my breath visible from the frozen air.

"Yeah, it's nice to get out once and a while." Cam agreed.

I nodded. We watched how the girls would play around with Lady and Charlie. Both big dogs trying to give out their energy for the night. Little Frosty keeps getting stuck, so Brandon, Cam's son, took Frosty away from the chaos of the two, well four, girls and played with Frosty on his own. Building little forts and jumps that Frosty could do tricks with. It was a very nice sight to see.

"It's nice to see the kids having fun." I said with a smile towards Cam.

"Yeah, it is. Especially since Emerald and I aren't too hot at home." Cam said too casually.

My eyes squinted. "What's going on?"

Cameron took a deep sigh. "Emerald and I don't love each other anymore. She has been off with other men while I'm trying to stay home with the kids." Cameron went quiet for a few minutes. "We're getting a divorce."

"Oh, I'm so sorry Cam." I whispered.

"Don't worry about it Addy." Cam smiled. "It's for the better good. Plus, Em and I already made arrangements. I was going to keep the house and kids, Em is going out to find an apartment near Chicago."

"But still Cam, this must be tough for you." I sympathized. "How are the kids feeling about it."

"Only April knows, since she's the oldest." Cam answered.

"What is her thoughts about it?" I asked.

"She's okay. It hurts her that the family is splitting, but what are we going to do? Emerald and I have fallen out of love. There is no need to worry." Cam said with a shrug.

I didn't want to say anything else. I didn't want to hurt Cam more than what he is already going through.

One Last Chance | Book 3 | Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now