Ch. 39

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I was now seven months pregnant. Sal has been rushing around everyone, becoming anxious for his little girl or little boy to be born. The reason why we didn't know the gender is because we wanted it to be a surprise. It was Sal and I's first child, and probably our only, so we wanted to enjoy the moment. Sal also enjoys telling me how big the baby is whenever we hit a new week. His phone will go off and right away he checks it. This week is an aubergine. Sal also told me that the lungs are now mature and that the skin will become smoother. The only thing I'm worried about it that my abdomen is stretching, so the past week I have been very uncomfortable.

Though, Sal has his favorite moments. It's when we lay in bed together after a long day. Sal will be sitting up against the wall as I lay in front of him between his legs. Sal will have his hands resting on my stomach watching a show on Netflix as I read a book. That's when usually our child is most active, and he or she will start to kick. Sal will always gasp with excitement and say "Addison! Our child is kicking!" I would usually reply with "I know, I feel it" or just smile. Those are the moments I wish I could have everyday, and they make me so happy.

Sal and I had big plans coming up the next few days though. Sal and I recently bought a house after four months trying to find a good house. Usually they were either too small, some too large. Some were just what we wanted but costed way too much. We settled on this beautiful four bedroom two bathroom house in Manhattan and knew this what we wanted. It had a large backyard for our child and the dogs to play around in. A master bedroom that Sal and I would have and a bedroom for our little child. One of the rooms was going to be the nursery and the other was going to be the play room. We had a basement that Sal wanted to turn into a man-cave for him and his buddies when they came over, which I allowed him to have. The house had large windows, which I liked for myself, with a decent kitchen. There was also an office that I was going to go have for myself, which I enjoyed.

We were expected to pack our stuff up two weeks ago then haul it all up today. I sold all my furniture, so did Sal, and we bought all brand new furniture for not only us but for the pets as well. It was a new start to our new lives, and I was exited.

The haul truck was supposed to be at the house soon, so I started unpacking boxes that I had in my car and placing them in the house. Well, at least I tried to until Joe ran up to me and took the box out of my hands.

"You shouldn't be handling heavy material." Joe said.

I laughed as I placed my hands on my hips. "Joe, I'm fine."

"No you're not." Brian chipped in. "We will be handling the big boy stuff, you can put stuff away."

I gasped. "That's sexist!"

"Don't argue with Addison," Sal butted in. "You aren't going to win." He laughed.

"I know I won't." Brian snickered. "But she isn't picking up the heavy stuff."

"Bad for the baby." Joe added, nodding his head as he entered the empty house.

I faced Sal to see if he would do anything. He just shrugged his shoulders as he adjusted the box that was in his hands. "I can't argue with that."

I playfully slapped Sal's arm, causing him to laugh. I rolled my eyes as I entered the house, opening up the box of plates and silverware to unpack.

By the end of the day, we had a couch, a new recliner, a bed up, and some filled up shelves. The boys were finishing up another shelf as I was putting away clothes in Sal and I's room. Soon after, I heard the door close downstairs and car engines turned on. Brian and Joe left, meaning that Sal and I were finally alone for the night. I shut off the light for the closet then wobbled out to be greeted by my handsome boyfriend. He planted a peck on my lips.

"Hello beautiful." He mumbled.

"Hmm, hello handsome." I said, rubbing my hands up and down his arms.

Sal planted another kiss on my lips. "We are finally alone."

I smiled at his comment, but that smile soon faded away. A sharp pain in my lower back caused my to wince. Sal's face went from loving to concern. "Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine." I groaned, rubbing my lower back. "Just have to get used to this pain shit."

"I'm sorry baby." Sal apologized.

"No need to apologize." I chuckled. "It's not your fault."

"Do you want a back rub?" Sal asked.

I nodded my head. "Definitely."

Sal led me to the bed so I could lay down. I laid face down the best I could, then Sal started to do his work. I groaned in the mattress, feeling the pain go away right away.

"Does that feel good?" Sal asked with a light laugh.

"Feels amazing." I replied, my voice muffled from being face down in the mattress.

Sal let out another small laugh. "Hey, we are finally living together. That means I get to come home to a beautiful pregnant girlfriend and my amazing three dogs."

"Where are the dogs anyways?" I asked.

"Downstairs. They are all laying in their beds. Well, Charlie is laying in her own bed. Lady is sharing with Frosty." Sal said.

I huffed. "I'm not surprised."

Sal hummed a response. When he was done with the massage, I sat up and gave Sal a quick kiss thank you. When we pulled away, he asked me three important words.

"Are you hungry?"

My eyes widened in excitement. "Yes!"

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