Ch. 13

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Here's how this went. After a while of playing with the dogs, Sal finally decided to help us put up some ornaments on the Christmas tree. It was great to pick up ornaments that reminded me of my childhood or even just what I had picked out before. Joe had found the ornaments that we all bought together two years ago. He decided to hang up his, along with Bessy's and Milana's ornaments. Sal had found ours when we were together, but quickly put it away. He stuck with just hanging his up that he had found. I left Brian and James' ornaments out so they could put them up themselves without feeling left out.

When we finished up, Joe and Sal took a seat while I went to grab more drinks. I grabbed two water bottles for Sal and Joe and a Snapple for myself. I handed them their drinks then sat down on the recliner as I took a sip of my Snapple.

"The tree looks amazing." Joe said.

I nodded my head as I swallowed. "I agree. Looks very well done."

Sal nodded his head in agreement. I'm not surprised that he hasn't said much this afternoon. Well, one of us in here is still not fond of his actions.

"Who's going to put the star up?" Joe asked out of the blue.

I stared at the tree for a while, contemplating. I never really enjoyed putting the star on the tree myself. Even though I believe Christmas is the time where Jesus was born, I don't really like putting the star on top. It doesn't excite me as much as putting the ornaments on it. The last time I did put the star on it, Sal and I were... you get it.

"I'll do it." Sal said with a shrug.

"Shouldn't you do it Addison?" Joe asked, completely pushing away Sal's words.

"I'm fine. I don't like putting the star on anyways." I replied with a shrug.

"You sure?" Joe asked with eyes that read 'don't make him do it.'

"I'm sure." I replied with a look of 'shut up, I'm trying to be nice.'

"How about we do it together Addison?" Sal asked as he got up.

I froze for a second, taken back from what he said. I blinked a few times before replying. "Yeah, yeah. Sure, why not?"

I got up and walked over to the tree with Sal. I handed him the star and we turned towards the tree. I held the star with one hand while Sal held the other. We stepped up on the step stool and placed the star on the tree. We got down from the stool and looked up.

"Looks great." Sal complimented.


A few days went by and I was cleaning the house to put up my early Christmas decorations up. I didn't want to overpass Thanksgiving, so I only put up a few things. I went out and bought candy-canes to put on the tree. I put up some lights around door frames in the house, letting them alternate between white and color. I wrapped fake, plastic pines around the staircase rails then wrapped it with lights as well.

Another thing I had to get ready for was Thanksgiving. Cam, his wife and children were coming over this year, along with the guys. They wanted to have a a little get together here, of course. Cameron said that Aunt Kelly and Uncle Jim were coming over as well, so I had to prepare for them. I wasn't expecting a big get together, but sure enough that's what happened.

As I was baking a pumpkin roll, there was a knock on my door. I yelled out "come in" as I focused my eyes on the recipe on the table. I could hear the dogs paws run along the kitchen floor into the living room.

"Well well, what are we making here?" A voice that belonged to Brian Quinn asked.

"I'm making pumpkin roll for Thanksgiving." I replied.

"Ooh, that's yummy. Now, is there cream cheese or a homemade filling?" Brian asked as he took the recipe out of my sight.

"I'm making two. One of my moms recipe and one of my dad's. My moms was the regular with cream cheese, my dad's has a fruity filling to his." I replied.

"Hmm, going to have to try that out." Brian said handing me back my recipe. "Can I help with anything?"

"Yeah," I said looking around. I picked up my shopping list. "Can you go get these for me please?"

Brian took the list and looked at it. "Why can't we go together?"

"Because I have to bake! And I hate leaving the dogs here." I replied.

"Then get Sal to dog-sit. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind."

I thought about it for a moment. 'That's not such a bad idea...'


I got Sal to dog sit. Brian and I just walked into the grocery store. He pushed the cart while I marked everything on the list.

"What's first my lady?" Brian asked.

"First is that you don't call me your lady." I said with a chuckle.

"Why not? I'm trying to be nice!" Brian said shoving me a little.

"Mhm, sure." I replied rolling my eyes.

"You're a party popper." Brian remarked.

I rolled my eyes again. "Okay, first on the list. Yams, sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, corn, apple cider, carrots-"

"Why so many things?!" Brian asked with shock.

"Brian, are you stupid, or just plain stupid?" I asked.

Brian paused. "What's the difference between the two?"

I scoffed with a hint of a cackle. "Brian! Stay focused!"

"Okay, okay! Don't yell at me!" Brian said in a fake hurt tone.

"Let's just get the supplies. I have lots to get." I said.

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