Ch. 21

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Brian and I were in a heated disagreement. And this disagreement has been going on since Sal and I have become close again. Brian would get angry with me if I were to hang out with Sal because I spent more time with him than I do with Brian. Which was almost true. The reason I defended that was because Brian and I have two different lives. I stay home with the dogs while he goes and shoots the show, does his podcasts, and even tours with the guys. Sometimes it just gets too much.

Doesn't mean I would have the same problem with Sal. Yes, he does tour, he does shoot the show. But one thing that he loves to do is stand up comedy. Something that makes him happy. Not to say that Brian's podcast doesn't make him happy, but I just don't understand. I've never been a fan of podcasts, not to say that there are some good ones out there! It's just my personal opinion...

Brian and I aren hanging on a thread by this point. And none of us are happy in this relationship. Everyone knows it. We are better off best friends, but Brian doesn't want to except it. He wants us to give it a shot, see how things are going to go. And whenever I try to break up with him, he yells at me because he thinks that I'm trying to get with Sal. That's where we get into a heated disagreement, then start back at square one. It's a big endless loop.

Another thing as well, saying I hate Brian is a big no. I might not like what Brian agrees on, but I don't hate Brian. I may have said that before, but only because Brian and I were finished with a disagreement. I will be honest, Brian does a leave a sour taste in my mouth.

I just want things to go back to how they were before...

Back what Brian and I were best friends...

Back when Sal and I were happy together...


I was texting James while sitting on the couch with my sweet dogs. I honestly love these animals so much. They make me so happy. I don't know what I would do without them.

Anyways, off topic, James and I were talking about hanging out later tonight. He wanted some help on gifts so I decided to go out with him, since we never usually hang out. That's until Joe started to text me, then Cam, then Sal, then Brian. It's like they all knew I was free and that I didn't want to lazy around.

This is how it went:

That's sounds good! If you want to meet me at the mall after shoot then I will definitely go walk around with you for gifts!

Addison! Um, we really need to talk. I know you are free, so maybe we can talk tonight? It's somewhat important. Get back to me when you can! <3

Emerald and I were wondering if you were free tonight for some scenic views of New York while it was snowing. I know you are into that stuff, so I wanted to let you know! Text me back with plans!

If you don't mind, Brian is heading out to shoot his podcast. Maybe we could go out for a light dinner and maybe go ice skating? I know it's maybe not your favorite thing to do, but I know you love to do 'romantic' and scenic adventures.

Hey, I have to go shoot my podcast after work today. I'm sorry we can't hang out. I know I will see you tomorrow though! Love you <3

I let my hand drag down my face. This was hard for me to do. All seemed like they genuinely wanted to hang out with me, but who do I choose?

James was an easy one. I was already making plans with him before. Brian was out of the picture. I would definitely love to hang out with Cam, but I didn't want to be third wheel with him and Emerald. So I tossed that out. So I was left with Joe and Sal...


"This better be important." I said sitting down in a booth.

"Glad to see you too." Joe said with a smile.

I scooted myself into the two person booth. Joe had told me to meet up with him at this fifties mall so we could have a small conversation. He also said he wanted to have a milkshake, even though it was sixteen degrees outside.

"Are you going to have anything?" Joe asked.

"I might have a nice hot chocolate." I replied with a smile.

"I can order a medium fry for us to share, if ya want." Joe suggested.

I thought about it. "Sure, why not?"

The waiter came over quickly to take our order. When she walked away, Joe and I feel into a light conversation.

"It's nice to see you again." I said to him.

"I know, we haven't been able to see each other." Joe said with a smile.

"Very busy with different things." I said with a nod.

"That's the truth." Joe replied with a laugh. "How are things with Brian and you?"

"Not good." I replied truthfully.

"Why am I not surprised?" Joe asked with a laugh.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"Because you and Sal are too close. Brian and you are just friends. I think that Brian is too stubborn to realize it. Which is not good, because he wants to only show you off." Joe replied.

I nodded. "Well, I'm ready to be arguing with him later."

"Why do you say that?" Joe asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"I'm going to go ice skating with Sal after I go shopping with James." I replied plainly.

"Ohh, that's right. He's off doing his podcast tonight." Joe said. I nodded. "Why would two be arguing about that? Sal and you are just friends."

"Brian thinks that I spend too much time with Sal than him. But it's not my fault, he's always busy." I said with a shrug.

"It's not that he's always busy, it's because you like different things." Joe said.

And Joe was right. Because later that night, after everything, Brian did yell at me. But that will come later. Right now, Joe and I are having our time.

I'm glad to be talking with Joe again. He was such in a good mood, and I was happy about that. With everything that we have been through together, it was good to know that we could reconnect. I was happy, but things were just getting started...


Thank you all for the birthday wishes today (9/29/18)!! I had an amazing 16th birthday. And after homecoming, I'm pooped. So here's a small chapter. But thanks again to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! That means a lot!

One Last Chance | Book 3 | Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now