Ch. 4

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Growing into Love will be updated tomorrow, I promise!! But for now I have so many juices flowing for this book, I have to get them typed down! :))

*Addison's POV*

I handed the clipboard and pen back to the receptionist. She told me to have a good rest of my day then I turned to leave. Brian was by my side when we excited the sad building. We didn't know where we were going after this, and didn't know what to do. So we just decided to sit on the nearest bench and figure out what we were going to do.

"What do you want to do?" Brian asked.

"Well, I want to get home and change. I feel like complete shit." I responded.

"I would understand. I have to do the same thing." Brian agreed. "Do you want to do anything else after that?"

"Hmm, I don't know. First let's get you home and-"

"No. I want to make sure you get home safe." Brian said seriously.

I chuckled. "Brian, you have done enough. As much as I want you to be there to drop me off, I don't want you to be feeling pressured. Please, we'll get you dropped off first."

Brian sighed. "Fine. But I will come straight to your house if anything happens."

I smiled at him. "Thank you Brian."

Brian wrapped his arm around me to give me a side hug. "No problem, Addy."


I was greeted by two dogs when I got into my house. At first I was happy, then I was super confused. I don't remember leaving them running around on their own, because I did put them into their rooms. When I entreated the kitchen, all the dishes that were in the sink were washed and stacked neatly to be put away. The dogs food dishes were washed and filled with water and food.

I was freaking out. I didn't know who came in, but I didn't want to call police. There was no need to when there was no damage to the house. It kind of freaked me out, but I just brushed it aside. I felt dirty and gross, so I directly headed to the shower. When I was done, I slipped on a pair of blue jeans with a black and white stripped shirt. Overtop of the shirt I put on an army green fleet jacket. Even though I dressed up, I didn't feel like going out.

I headed downstairs and headed straight to the kitchen to put away the cleaned dishes. I let the dogs out to run around a little bit as I tidied up the house. As I was doing so, there was a knock on my door. I took a quick glance at the door before walking up to it. I gripped the door handle and twisted it open. When I opened the door, I saw the familiar face that I didn't exactly want to see.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a grumbled voice.

"I came to check out if you were okay." The man they called Sal said. "Looks like your doing well."

"I'm just peachy." I said with a sarcastic smile. "What do you want?"

"Did you see my little tidy up I did for you? I thought you would enjoy that." Sal said, a tint of sadness in his voice.

My face dropped, immediately feeling bad about giving him attitude. "Y-yeah. Yeah, I did."

"Again, I thought you would enjoy that. Plus I know you're dogs get restless cooped up in that room after a while." Sal said with an uncomfortable chuckle.

I smiled a small smile. "Yeah definitely." I opened the door more so that I could see more of him. "Thank you. Y'know, for the clean up. You didn't have to do it."

"Oh, don't worry about it! It was my pleasure. Plus it was nice to have the dogs running at my feet. They are well trained." Sal said.

"Thanks. Worked hard on those two. Especially Charlie." I chuckled. Sal chuckled along, but it wasn't genuine. "Again, thank you."

"No problem. Anything for a friend." Sal said. I could hear the pain in his voice.

I wanted to be so angry at him, but I couldn't. Sal meant no harm, and I knew it. But he still hurt me so bad. I would never forgive him for it. He broke all floors. Though he was trying to build them back up. Sal was picking the pieces up himself, and I wanted to help.

"Well, I better get going," Sal started. "I don't want to be a bother."

"Okay." Was all I could put out.

Sal nodded his head before turning around and walking down my porch steps. I leaned again the door as I watched him mope. I really felt bad, I did. Then, something clicked in my head. I knew how I could help build that foundation. I stood up tall as I built up my courage.

"H-hey Sal!" I called out.

Sal turned around slowly. His hands were stuffed in the pockets on his green sweater as his eyes poured out small tears.

My mind was racing, and I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know what to do. Should I say it? Or should I just let him mope back home? Should I be this forgiving from the day before? No, I shouldn't, shouldn't I? Fuck, just say it!

"Would you be willing to go get some frozen yogurt with me?"

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