Ch. 41

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One month went by in a flash and by the time I knew it, it was Christmas. And what that also meant was that the baby was going to come in less than a month. Sal and I were excited yet nervous. We were ready yet we weren't at the same time.

Sal and I were shopping around for last minute things for everyone. This year we decided to head out to Sal's parents for the holidays since the past couple of years I've hosted it. I was looking around trying to find gifts for his sisters, and was having such a tough time.

"This is frustrating!" I groaned, rubbing my hands threw my hair.

"Addison, I told you we didn't need to worry about gifts." Sal chuckled putting down a record.

"I know you did." I mumbled. "I just didn't want to seem like we didn't care. I want to make your mom happy."

Sal wrapped his arms around my now huge stomach, planting a kiss on my cheek. "Addison, stop worrying. A gift card in a sweet Christmas card will please them."

"Are you sure? I really don't want to seem cheap." I said with an unsure look.

Sal chuckled as he grabbed my hand. "I'm positive. Come on, let's head to Hallmark. They will have some nice cards."


"My baby boy is here!" Dianne, Sal's mother, greeted as we walked through the door.

"I'm here!" Sal greeted with a smile. He gave his mother a hug then a kiss on the cheek. "Merry Christmas ma."

"Oh an my dear Addison! Merry Christmas!" Dianne gave me a big hug.

"Merry Christmas Dianne." I replied, returning the hug.

"How's the pregnancy going? How much longer?" Dianne asked with a bright smile.

"I'm honestly getting tired of getting this child, but I have less then a month to go!" I answered with a light chuckle.

"Oh, I know how it is. But you will enjoy it in the end." Dianne smiled.

Sal's father, Sal Sr., was next to greet us. He gave us quick hand shakes, greeted us Merry Christmas, then went on with his ways. I gave Sal a questioning look, but he just shrugged it off. I guess it was something Sal was used to.

I placed the Christmas cards in the tree while Sal reconnected with his younger sisters Dana and Jenna. I stayed behind, not wanting to interrupt anything. Dianne came up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I jumped a bit, not expecting her.

"I didn't mean to startle you, Addison." Dianne apologized.

"It's fine." I laughed. "Just was taken back, that's all."

Dianne smiled at me. "Look, I'm going to ask a weird question, so don't take it personally. Has Sal ever talked about marriage with you?"

"He did accidentally call me his wife a few months ago, but that was about it. Other than that, we have been so busy getting ready for the baby that we haven't talked about it." I answered honestly.

And it was true. Sal and I have been busy the past eight months. Moving into a house together, Sal working on the show and traveling for comedy, me working with photo shoots, we barely got time for each other. The Jokers were also doing tours, so sometimes Sal was never around for two weeks. Most of the time we were together, we would stay home and relax. It never crossed our minds that marriage would be something that could be an option.

"How long have you two been together now?" Dianne asked.

"A year ago today, exact." I said, smiling as I remember Sal asking me out last Christmas.

Dianne started to rub my back. "You guys really do deserve each other, I know it."


Sure enough, Sal was right. Dana and Jenna were happy with their gift cards that they got. Each of them got a fifty dollar gift card to a different store. Sal chose them out, since he knew his sisters better than me obviously. Sal's mother got a picture book that started with a picture of the baby. We told her that we wanted to put all the pictures of her grandson or granddaughter in there with the family to keep for memories. Sal's father got tickets to a hockey game with Sal for the Devils. Sal insisted that they go, so that's what he decided to give his dad.

Sal and I got a few gifts as well. I got a beautiful Christmas ornament from Sal's mom. I could see Sal wink at his mom, probably noting to her that I would like my gift. Sal got a few flannels from his mom, since that was his new fashion at the moment. I noted to myself to make sure to wear those when I'm tired. It was a very good Christmas, and definitely fun to hang out with Sal's family. Of course it wasn't a big bundle of us, but it was still great.

Sal and I were the last ones to leave. Making sure that his mom gave us left overs from dinner to take home with us and giving us big hugs. Sal's dad gave us hugs as well, telling us to be safe on the roads. We headed out to the car, packed up everything we had and left the house. On our way home, Sal had a smile from ear to ear.

"Today marks one year being together, you know that right?" Sal asked, placing a hand on my thigh.

"I do know that." I smiled. "I can't believe it."

"I can because I knew I was meant to be with you." Sal said warmly.

My heart started to beat fast. This man made me so happy, it was crazy. The best I could, I leaned over and planted a kiss on Sal's cheek. I intertwined my fingers with Sal's as I watched Sal take the next exit.

"My mom told me that you two talked about us getting married." Sal stated.

"Yeah we did." I said. "Why are you bringing it up?"

"Well, because our child is going to be born soon. I don't see why we still have to keep dating when we could be husband and wife." Sal said, squeezing my hand.

I chuckled. "We'll have to see Sal. For now, I'm good where we are at. I don't want to rush into things just because we are having a child."

"I know." Sal defended. "I was just saying!"

"I understand what you are saying Sal. Trust me, if we never had those problems in the past, I'm pretty sure we would be married by now." I said, my heart sinking a small bit.

I felt Sal's hand become loose in mine. I knew this was tough, only because we didn't want to be boyfriend and girlfriend while we were raising a child. Sal expected us to be married, or at least engaged by now. But with everything that has been happening, we don't have time to plan a wedding. I didn't want to hurt him, and I most certainly don't want to hurt myself. Our relationship has been so strong, I can't bare to loose him now.

"I still love you Sal, you know that right?" I asked.

"I most certainly know that." Sal responded, flashing me a big smile. "I love you so much Addison, I would do anything in the world to make you happy."

I squeezed Sal's hand. I was certainly very lucky to be part of this man's life.

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