Ch. 34

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This is a very weird chapter, and nothing I would ever write in my life. But, there is a big surprise I want to get at, and I wanted to build up. So, I'm sorry if you don't like this. I will never write something like this ever again, I promise!

Also, this is very long! Hope you enjoy :))


At midnight of the morning of January 1st, the ball dropped, signaling the beginning of our New Year. Sal grabbed me into a sweet embrace, his lips in sync with mine. We were the first one of our group to leave, Brian allowing to take home Cameron for the night. I drove Sal back to his house and we headed in together.

I don't want to get into too much detail, because all of this is personal to our lives. But man, that night felt so right. I just loved having my boyfriend home. And I knew I would love him forever.


It was now spring. Well, early signs of spring. The snow was starting to melt from the warmer weather. Not only that, but Easter was around the corner. I had all my necessary decorations up around the house so Cam's kids and Joe's kids could go Easter Egg Hunting around the house. I suggested it, because I thought it would be a nice calming holiday.

When Easter Day came, Sal came over to help me out on baking and cooking the best he could. James and Brian came as well and started looking around to try to find good spots to hide the eggs. They were such a great help, I couldn't help but feel so much love towards them. They were such amazing people.

Cam was first to come with his two daughters and son Brandon. Brandon didn't seem to be in a happy mood while the two girls immediately went to play with the dogs. Cam told us to give him time to settle in. Though, as soon as Joe and Bessy came with Milana and Remo, they all were happy. Brandon just seemed to sit quietly with little Frosty. I was concerned.

"Cam, could you come here for a second?" I asked biting my nail.

Cam shuffled over to my side. "What's up?"

"Brandon seems to be...very quiet. Is he okay?" I asked looking at Cam with concern.

Cam shrugged. "Must be he doesn't like big crowds."

"But he's been around everyone in once before correct?" I asked.

"I think so." Cam said slowly. "I'll talk to him, see what's up."

"That's a good father." I smiled, patting Cam's shoulder.

I watched as Cam went over to talk to his son. As this was happening, two arms slithered around my waist. I jumped, pressing my hand on my chest after realizing it was just Sal.

"You scared me!" I breathed.

"Sorry." Sal planted a kiss on my cheek. "What are you looking at?"

I nodded my head  in the direction of Cam and Brandon. "Watching Cam talk to Brandon."

I felt Sal nod his head. I just stood there, resting my hands on top of Sal's hands. I didn't want to seem like a creep, but I felt worried about Brandon. It seems as if he doesn't want to be here, no matter what.

"If we have a kid, not saying we will, but if we do, you will make sure to love him/her right?" I asked Sal.

Sal chuckled as he planted a kiss on my cheek. "Addison, I would never leave my children behind."

I smiled at the thought of Sal and I being parents. Even if we were getting old, I knew he would make a great father.


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