Ch. 7

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It's almost the end of October, so that means November is coming up. That also meant Sal's birthday is coming up. I didn't want to ignore it this year, and I wasn't planning on to.

Let me fill you in on what has happened. After kissing Sal on that sidewalk, we stood there for about ten minutes just weeping. We didn't want to leave each other, but we knew that this relationship was over. After that, we haven't talked. We barely even say hi to each other when we are outside of our houses. We barely try to stay in touch. Scratch that, we don't even talk. We didn't stay in touch. I don't know how Sal has been. I don't know anything. And in return, he doesn't know anything about me. We stayed away from each other, and it's been a good time.

Though, I never said that I haven't seen him. I remember this one time Brian and I went out and Brian invited Sal with him. Of course it was weird, but we just ignored each other. By the end of the night, Brian was completely wasted and all I had to drink was water. Sal only had one and a half bottles of beer, but he was still intact. Sal told me he was going to drive Brian back to his place after I agreed to just take a cab home.


"Has Sal gotten into anything that he's obsessed over?" I asked Brian over the phone.

"Other than shoes and WWE, not really." Brian said. "He's been fairly quiet around us."

"Well I haven't bonded with him in forever." I responded with an airy chuckle.

"That's very true." Brian agreed.

"So, should I just get him something light? Like maybe a new watch or something?" I asked.

"You got him a watch for Christmas two years ago." Brian said. "Why would you get him a watch again?"

"Because I don't know what to get him!" I semi-yelled.

"Okay, well, I wouldn't know either! Just look around and when something tells Sal, take it. That's what I do." Brian chuckled.

I groaned. "You are no help."

"At least I tried!" Brian said with a chuckle.

I told him bye then hung up. I got out of my car then headed in for the mall. After a few stores and looking around, I didn't find anything. Nothing yelled out "Sal" like Brian said. Then, I had an idea.


Thirteen days later, I was walking across the street to Sal's house. And in my hands were five bags, all labeled with something different. I knocked on the door then waited with a smile. Sal answered with door with a surprise.

"Oh, hey Addison!" Sal greeted in shock.

"Hey Sal." I nodded.

"What are you doing here?" Sal asked, his eyes filling with multiple emotions.

"I'm here for your birthday." I answered. Then my face dropped in worrisome, "is that okay? Because I can drop off the gifts and-"

"No, no! It's okay! C-come on in!" Sal stuttered.

I nodded my head as he opened the door wider for me to come in. I entered then took my shoes off. I asked him where to set the gifts, then headed in the direction he told me. I walked with my head low, now feeling like a burden in his house. Honestly, I didn't feel like I belonged.

"Hey Addison!" A voice rang in my ears.

I turned around to see James with a big smile on his face. He was always so filled with joy and happiness, it was crazy.

"Hey James!" I greeted.

"How have you been? It's been a while." James said.

I let out some air. "It has." I replied. "Um, nothing much has happened. I've been busy with my photography business, as well as taking care of the dogs. Other than that it's been smooth sailing."

"That's good to hear!" James said.

"Yeah, it has." I said. "How have you been?"

"Been very good! The show is doing great, I've been busy with book two of Awakened. Lots of stuff has been happening." James answered.

"That's good." I said.

In the background, behind James, I saw a woman walk from the kitchen island to the couch. Right away she snuggled next to Sal as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Who is that?" Addison asked.

"Who? What are you talking about?" James asked as he turned around.

"The to Sal..." I said, my heart shattering.

'Pull it together Addison, you guys are barely friends.'

"" James twitched his neck. "That is his girlfriend, Madeline."

"Oh, that's nice." I said with a painful smile.

I turned around and grabbed the presents from the table. I walked by the living room with my bags of gifts behind my back. There, I saw Joe, giving me hard eye contact. He saw through me, and I didn't enjoy it.

" I'm going to leave now." I announced, breaking my eye contact with Joe.

"Do you want me to walk you out?" Sal asked as he removed his arm around his so-called "girlfriend."

"No, no. I'll be fine." I replied rather quickly. I didn't know how long I could keep my fake smile on my face. "Have a happy birthday Sal."

Before anyone could say anything else, I walked out of the room with the gifts in my hand. I slipped on my shoes then left the house. I didn't want to see him, and seeing that girl made me upset. I was supposed to be that girl. I am!

Ugh, never mind. I guess that I will never be good for Sal Vulcano ever again...

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