Ch. 20

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Bessy and I went Christmas shopping. The big holiday was coming up in a couple of weeks so we wanted to get the shopping out of the way. We were looking through different stores, picking up stuff and judging them. We were focused on getting great gifts this year.

While we were in one store, my eyes landed on a giant Elvis Presley poster, signed. I was gaping, wanting to buy it for myself. But this was our Christmas shopping, I didn't want to spend the money  for myself. When Bessy walked by, I showed it to her.

"Do you think Joey would like that?" I asked.

"No. But I do know someone who would obsess over it." Bessy said.

My eyebrows furrowed. "Who?"

"Brian." She replied back with a wink.

I let a small, yet uncomfortable, laugh escape my lips. "Yeah, he would."

"Why don't you buy it for him? He's your boyfriend anyways." Bessy asked.

I looked up at the poster. I absolutely adore the poster. But how would I feel if I broke up with Brian and I knew had something I loved? I pushed that thought away, it was just a poster. Why would I care? I have the Christmas ornament anyways.


"How are you and Brian doing anyways?" Bessy asked as we were just walking around in the mall.

"We are doing great." I lied.

"That's good!" Bessy said with a bright face. "Anything exciting happening?"

'The other night we had a huge fight about being with Sal 24/7' I thought.

"Nope. Been just coasting along, trying to see where this takes us." I semi-lied.

"Well that's good news!" Bessy said with a excited attitude.

I hated it. I hated everything. I came with Bessy to get away from being with Brian. I didn't want to discuss it. I didn't want to discuss him. Just saying his name leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I absolutely hate Brian, but man does he not want to let go of me.

Since it was around one thirty, Bessy and I had decided to go grab a small lunch. I got myself some sushi while Bessy got herself a Greek salad. We set all of our gifts next to us in the empty chairs as we ate.

"How have things been doing between you and Joe? Anyways new?" I asked Bessy.

"Well, Joe and I have agreed to go on a vacation to somewhere warm with the kids after Christmas. More than likely we are going to head down to Florida to take the kids to Disney. Remo is going to be three next year, so I think we will have fun with that." Bessy smiled.

"That sounds like fun! I wish I could go with you! Disney during, and after, Christmas is always nice." I said, thinking about all the Christmas themed decorations all around the World.

"Ask Brian to take you! I bet you he would love to go! A small vacation between the two of you!" Bessy suggested.

My mouth became sour again. "Yeah...maybe."

We finished up the rest of our lunch then headed out. We hit a few more stores, for a few more gifts, before heading out. I gave Bessy a hug before splitting with her to head to my car. I set all my stuff in my trunk then got into the drivers seat.

I didn't leave right away. I got a few notifications on my phone before I left, so I checked them out. One was from Instagram, and the other was from Twitter. I checked Twitter first.

@/BQQuinn: Here's a photo from a while back of me and my lovely lady

'That was it? Really? You couldn't have said anything else? That's so bland!' I thought to myself.

One Last Chance | Book 3 | Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now