Ch. 8

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I was curled up on my couch with a bowl of popcorn in my lap, Charlie laying next to me on my couch, and a movie playing on the tv. It was late the night of Sal's birthday, and I was completely broke inside. I was trying to distract myself with everything and anything, but I really couldn't. Them snuggled up on the couch kept replaying in my mind over and over again. It was making me feel so many emotions.

I didn't understand though why I was so upset. It didn't make any sense to me. I have broken off with Sal, I don't talk to him as much anymore. We never hang out, we never talk, we don't even take note of each other! So for me to be upset doesn't make any sense. We haven't established that we are friends, so why would I try to take his love that I had tried to given him back?

There was a knock on my door. I didn't bother to turn to look at it.

"If you're going to rob me, come in and shoot me dead please!" I shouted towards the door.

The door opened then closed. I didn't bother to look at who it was.

"Really? You're watching The Wedding Singer? You could've watched any other Adam Sandler movie that isn't awful." A familiar voice rang through my ears.

"I love this movie!" I defended myself with a mouthful of popcorn.

"You know Grown Ups is pretty good." Brian said as he sat down in the recliner.

"Grown Ups 2 is so much better." I said.

"You sure about that? Because Grown Ups can get its specialties." Brian said with a cocked eyebrow.

"Well, I like Happy Gilmore better than all of them, so, get on my level." I said as I placed popcorn in my mouth.

I watched as Lady got up and laid herself at Brian's feet. He chuckled as he bent himself down to pet her. I looked down at my popcorn bowl, seeing it was not close to be done.

"Do you want the rest of my popcorn?" I asked Brian as I handed the bowl out.

"Yes." He replied as he reached out for the bowl. "It's probably going to be much better than what we had at Sal's house."

"Why do you say that?" I asked as I picked up my bottle of Snapple.

Brian groaned. "It was awful. His girlfriend made it. You know, Milinda? Miranda? Madison? I don't remember. Anyways, my point is," Brian put popcorn in his mouth, "it wasn't good at all. She's no cook."

"She doesn't seem smart either." I mumbled.

"She isn't." Brian said with a mouthful of popcorn.

I looked up at Brian. I wasn't expecting him to hear me, but he did. But he didn't seem to care. Brian was just picking at the bowl, choosing specific kernels to put into his mouth.

"Is there anything else you know about her?" I asked with curiosity.

"No. This is the second time we've seen her. All of us, really. But there is a popular fact that none of us like her." Brian said, his eyebrows going up with content.

"Ooh, fun." I said with a chuckle.

A silence has fallen between us. I gazed my focus on the tv screen as Brian did the same. He ate the popcorn that I gave him as I pet Charlie as she slept next to me. It was a calming night, and late too. But it didn't matter. I wasn't busy the next morning and I'm pretty sure Brian wasn't either. If he was, I would assume he would've just went home instead of coming here.

That brought me to another thought. How Brian and I have had a very roller coaster friendship. I'm the beginning of our friendship, we seemed to back away from each other. Then, as I started to hang out with Sal more, Brian and I got closer. He's always been a close friend, but then it went downhill. Of course his crush for me had gotten the best of him, and that wasn't helpful. At the moment though, we are past that. Brian has been more comfortable around me since we settled our differences on our feelings. I am super happy that Brian and I are close, it's a good friendship that I don't want to let go of.

The Wedding Singer ended, and Brian said he wanted to watch another movie. We agreed to put the movie RV with Robin Williams in it for some good laughs. I took his empty bowl out to He kitchen after asking him if he wanted anything to drink. I brought back a bottle of beer for him and another Snapple for me. The advertisements were still playing when Brian started up a conversation.

"You know Joey was talking about you today at Sal's house." Brian said.

"Oh yeah? What did he say?" I asked.

"Not much. Just he said to me that he wanted to meet up with you sometime. Just him and you, that's it. He didn't explain why." Brian explained before taking a sip of his beer.

I knew exactly why. I totally ignored Joe after the huge argument we had. Don't get me wrong, I love Joey with all of my heart, but man did he tick me off that day. It's like he knew that a bomb was going to explode inside of me, so he decided to detonate it. Not his fault, mostly mine. I feel really bad as well, but that doesn't mean I would totally forgive him. I still have some disagreements.

"I wouldn't know either." I lied, as I got closer to Charlie.

"Maybe he misses hanging out with you." Brian suggested with a shrug.

"I wouldn't know." I replied.

Brian and I watched the movie until it finished. We decided to put in another movie since it was only midnight. This time we put Brian's favorite, Ghostbusters. Charlie had awoken and jumped off the couch, heading to her little dog bed. She snuggled up with Lady, like she's always done since she's been a puppy, and fell asleep again. Brian came back from the bathroom and sat down on the couch next to me after I came back from the kitchen. I brought the big blanket and draped it over us to share.

"If I pass out on the couch, would you mind it?" Brian asked as he yawned.

"I wouldn't mind at all." I chuckled as I started to yawn.

"Ha! I made you yawn!" Brian laughed.

I shook my head as a small chuckle escaped my lips. The movie started and I was enjoying my time. Though halfway through the movie, I was getting sleepy. I yawned again as I made myself more comfortable on the couch. I rested my head on Brian's shoulder.

"Do you mind?" I asked.

"I don't mind at all." Brian said with a small chuckle.

Brian brought his arm around and rested it on my shoulders. My head laid in the crook of his arm as I brought the blanket up to my chin. Slowly but surely, my eyelids became heavy before I fell asleep.

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