Ch. 37

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"My baby is literally the size of a fig right now!" Sal yelled from the living room.

"Our baby!" I corrected. "And next week we get to figure out the gender!"

"I know! I'm so excited!" Sal said giddily, entering the kitchen.

"I am too honey, but I really need to bake these for Cam's daughters school." I said, pushing Sal away from me.

"Ugh, you're no fun." Sal groaned. "Can I at least have one kiss?"

I chuckled then turned around. Sal quickly pecked my lips, then bent down to kiss my stomach. He then scooped up Frosty from the ground and pet him.

"I love this dog. The only alpha male of the pack." Sal said as he scratched Frosty behind the ears.

I chuckled. "You are going to be such a great dad."

Sal turned around, Frosty still in his arms. He gave me a smile of joy and his eyes flashed bright colors. "You know it." Sal replied with a wink. "And you are going to be an amazing mom."

"I hope so." I sighed, cracking an egg.

"You definitely will be. Won't she Frost?" Frosty let out a small bark, licking Sal's cheek in response. Sal's face scrunched up, pulling the dogs face away from his. "I didn't ask for that!"

"That's what you get." I laughed, cracking another egg.

"You know what Addison? You are just mean." Sal exclaimed.

"Wow, like I didn't know that." I rolled my eyes.

Sal just stuck his tongue out at me. I stuck mine back, cracking one more egg before stirring what was in the bowl.


"Sorry I'm late, Sal made a quick bathroom stop on the way." I whispered to Cam as we sat down in the auditorium seats.

"It's not my fault! I had to piss!" Sal exclaimed, causing people around him to shush him. Sal just rolled his eyes, pulling his jacket over him. "That was rude."

"Will you just be quiet! The show's about to start!" I whisper-yelled, slapping Sal in the arm.

"Ouch! Moody." Sal sassed.

I went to hit Sal again, but her grabbed my hand quick enough before it happened. He laced his fingers between mine, leaning in to kiss my cheek. "Your mood swings are kicking in."

"Shh!!" I shushed with wide eyes. "Remember, some people don't know!"

Sal rolled his eyes. "They will soon."

"Quiet guys, the show is starting." Cam whispered.

Sal and I gave quick glances at each other before relaxing to watch Cam's daughters play.


"Uncle Sal!! You made it!" Cam's daughter, Alex ran up to Sal.

"I did make it!" Sal exclaimed, opening his arms wide for the little girl to run into.

"I was worried you wouldn't make it." Alex said, her eyes bright.

"Pfft, What makes you think I would miss your show?" Sal asked. "Plus, Aunt Addison made you your favorite cupcakes."

Alex's eyes lit up with excitement. "You made red velvet?!"

"You made red velvet?" Cam asked, his eyes wide with shock.

I chuckled. "Yes, I made red velvet."

Alex jumped up and down with happiness. Cam just stood there, knowing what was going to happen with the little girl when she eats them. "Maybe that wasn't a great idea." Cam whispered, leaning into me.

"Cam, you need to stop worrying. This was for her great work for her play, she deserves it." I said, nudging him in the side.

"Aunt Addison, can we go have cupcakes?!" Alex begged, tugging on my dress.

I chuckled. "It's not up to me to make the decision, it's up to your dad."

Alex turned to face her dad. "Can we go have cupcakes?"

Cam just rolled his eyes. "Yes, we can go have cupcakes."

"Yay!!" Alex jumped up and down with excitement. "Come on Sal, let's go!"

Alex grabbed Sal's hands and started leading him to the car. I chuckled as Cam and I stayed behind, picking up Alex's stuff.


When I entered the house, I was greeted by a big curly haired dog. It was jumping up, smelling my clothes, and waiting for me to pet him. I cocked my head to the side, watching the dog run with Alex to the kitchen.

"When did you get the dog?" I asked Cam, who took the cupcakes out of my hands.

"Not long ago." Cam stated. "His name is Curly, ironically, and we adopted him. The girl insisted that we get a pet so we all went together to get a dog. Brandon actually picked him out."

"Brandon did? You're shy guy?" Sal asked in surprise.

Cam chuckled at Sal's remarks. "Yes, Brandon picked Curly out. Also, you don't know Brandon as well as you think you do."

"Where is Brandon and Jasmine now?" I asked Cam as we walked into the kitchen.

"Brandon is at a friend's house and Jasmine is camping with her friend this weekend." Cam answered, taking the cap off the tub.

"So dad is stuck with me!" Alex exclaimed, petting Curly.

"Alex, if you want a cupcake, you have to wash your hands first." Cam said, pulling his hair back into a small bun.

"Yeah, and you too dad." Sal remarked with a smirk. "You just touched your hair, which could get in the cupcakes."

Cam gave Sal a playful glare before heading to the sink. Alex came and sat in the chair in front of Sal, who placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Which one looks more appealing to you, Alex?" Sal asked.

"Hmm..." Alex hummed. She had her fingers placed on her chin as she thought. In the corner of Sal's mouth, I could see the drool leaking out. I quickly wiped it away, not wanting it all over Alex's shoulder. "That one!" Alex pointed.

It was the one I made a mistake on. The one with the most, but messiest, frosting on top of it. It made me laugh because I knew Alex would pick it.

"Alex, all that frosting isn't-"

"Cam, Stop." I cut off, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Alex just got done with the greatest performance on stage. Please, allow her to have something sweet."

Cam sighed. "I guess your right."

Sal had already given Alex the cupcake and was eating one himself. Dipping his finger into the frosting, he placed some on Alex's nose, making her gasp. Cam and I chuckled as we watched Alex dip her fingers in her frosting and smear it across Sal's face. Let's just say that at the end of the night, two people had to shower.

One Last Chance | Book 3 | Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now