Ch. 28

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I think I passed out on Sal, because when I woke up around four in the morning, I had a major migraine and I was wrapped in his arms. Not to mention, I was cuddled up under my blankets in my room.

Don't think I forgot about what happened, because I remember. I remember fondly. I remember Sal and Brian's fight. I remember Brian running towards Sal. I remember Sal jumping out of the way. I remember Brian running into the tree, knocking it down and shattering all of my fondest memories.

All because of Brian...

I wonder what would've happened if Brian never came over to the house. Then it clicked in my head what would've happened.

If Brian never came to the house, the tree wouldn't have been knocked down. If Brian never came to the house, I wouldn't be crying while Sal is peacefully sleeping. If Brian never came to the house, the only memories I have of my mother wouldn't have been destroyed. If Brian never came to the house, I wouldn't be so angry with him.

If Brian never came to the house, everything would've been okay.

I remembered seeing the ornament of Elvis Presley resting in the branches of the tree. The only close memory I have and it's only cracked a small bit. That ornament was the one I was glad wasn't shattered to pieces. But I was still very depressed. It felt like I had lost my mom all over again. Someone tore her away from me once, and now Brian made sure she would be gone forever.

Sal started to stir. I calmed myself down, closing my eyes to pretend I was sleeping. I felt Sal bring his hand up from my waist to the front of my stomach. It rested there for a few minutes before slithering up to my neck. He grabbed the chain that rested on my skin carefully and held Remi in his fist.

"You're not asleep." I heard Sal's groggily voice whisper.

"How did you know?" I asked him, even though I knows of knew the answer.

"Your breathing pattern." Sal answered. He shuffled again. "Are you okay?"

"Awful." I answered. "I feel like my heart was torn out of my chest and thrown to the dogs."

"That's...pretty gruesome." Sal said slowly.

"Well, how else would I describe my pain?" I asked in an irritated tone.

"I wouldn't know." Sal replied through a yawn.

We both feel silent again. I would feel Sal's breathing start to drift into a calm rhythmic pattern. His hand loosened around my neck before it fell right above my heart. I let it rest there for a few seconds before turning myself around in Sal's grasp. I dug my head into his chest, making sure I listened to his heartbeat. Sal's grip around me tightened a small bit.

"I love you Addison, I really do. I love you so damn much." Sal whispered, his voice starting to doze off. "But what you need to realize is that Brian and I are literally fighting because we don't want to loose you. You are so amazing that if you were out of our lives, we probably don't know what we would be doing right now. Brian is a good man, and he is sorry for what he did earlier."

"How do you know?" I asked, my voice breaking.

"I called him after you passed out." Said Sal. "I told him that this was unexceptional, and that we were acting like idiots. Brian agreed, and he's so depressed. He's so sad that he plans to buy you a whole set of new ornaments that are just like the ones that broke. He doesn't want to loose you Addison, and I don't want to either. You are our stones that helps finish up our houses. And you make us all happy. Not just Brian and I, Joe and James as well."

"But why do you and Brian fight all the time about me?" I asked.

"We were jealous. Jealous of each other. But, it's jealousy that makes a man into a monster. That's what happened tonight, and we both are so sorry for the damage that we did to you." Sal kissed the top of my head then settled his on top of mine. "Brian and I are sorry, and we will make it up."

I fell asleep on Sal's words.


I made sure Sal kept an ice pack on his swollen black and blue eye. It was a very bad hit to Sal, and I know he was going on tour for his comedy soon. I knew people were going to ask questions, so I told him to make sure he has makeup with him to cover it. Not saying that it will cover it one hundred percent, but it would make it seem like he ran into a door or something.

When Sal left, I was to pick up the glass that was still left over from Christmas. I packed away bulbs that weren't broken or shattered. I made sure to throw away a ton of empty boxes that were not useful anymore. I vacuumed the carpet the best I could and started to take down the Christmas tree, even if New Years wasn't over yet.

New Years was coming up soon, I realized. Sal was out of town, so that meant I get to spend it myself with my three loving dogs.

Three dogs...

I stopped the vacuum to look around the house for the little puppy. I chuckled when I found him under the staircase, hiding from the loud noise. I picked up Frosty and held him tightly in my arms. He was so fluffy and adorable. I loved this puppy so much, even if the man who gave me him broke my heart.

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