Ch. 43

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An Elvis vinyl played in the background of the house. I sat on the couch with a blanket draped over my legs as I read 'Dumplin''. Sal slowly sat down on the couch next me with a sigh, pulling at the blanket on my legs to drape over me and him.

"Ellie finally asleep?" I asked not looking up from my book.

"She should be fine now. I know she's not feeling well, but I think she will be okay." Sal replied changing the channel to something to his interest.

"Hey, you were the one who forgot to put on her hat the other day." I retorted with a small smirk.

"I still have to get used to the cold weather, okay? Taking care of a child is not that easy." Sal argued.

"I'm just playing with you Sal." I smiled. "I love you, you know that?"

"I believe that with ninety five percent positivity." Sal nodded.

"Only ninety five? What about the other five percent?" I asked, marking my page and closing it.

"The other five is the tolerance I can't stand against you." Sal replied with a cheeky smile.

I playfully smacked his arm. "I hate you."

"I love you too." Sal smiled.

Sal placed a kiss on my lips, grabbing my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Sal slowly and carefully pushed me down on my back on the couch, running his hands up and down my body. We pulled away only leaving our foreheads connected.

"Man, I really want to fuck you right now." Sal stated with a dopey smile.

"Can't, I have to wake up early tomorrow morning, remember? I should be in bed at this moment." I said, pulling Sal off of my body.

"You suck Addison." Sal groaned as I got up from the couch.

"I'm sorry." I apologized, stopping the vinyl. "But you know how important the interview is for me tomorrow. With my small company, it could become a big time thing after tomorrow."

"I know, I know. No need to keep reminding me." Sal rolled his eyes. "I'll just take care of myself here on the couch."

I stuck my bottom lip out as I walked to where he sat. I placed a sweet kiss on his lips, cupping his cheek. Sal leaned himself into the kiss, deepening it with his movements. We both pulled away catching our breath as we stared at each other.

"Tomorrow, okay? I have nothing to do that night and Ellie will be asleep anyways." I reassured.

Sal sighed. "Tomorrow. But that means we can't have any rains checks."

"That's a deal." I chuckled.


"I think we need a rain check on our plan tonight." Sal muttered, his face full of disgust as he held out Ellie.

"I think so too." I agreed, filling the sink up ready to bathe Ellie.

"Why did she have to be on me when she threw up? This is not okay!" Sal complained.

I heard Sal gah behind me, making me worried that he was also going to throw up. "Oh man, I think I'm going to throw up."

"Please don't. I don't want to take care of both of you tonight." I sighed. "Can you please take off her clothes?"

Sal gently set Ellie down on the counter and took off her onesie and diaper. I picked her up gently and placed her in her bath seat. Sal walked away to throw both Ellie's and his clothes in the wash.

"I'm taking a shower!" Sal called out from the laundry room.

"Can you please bring me some pajamas for Ellie please?" I asked.

I stared down at our daughter as she kicked her feet in the water. I smiled down at her as her eyes wandered about, not knowing what everything was at the moment. Sal eventually came back with a clean diaper and a white onesie that said "daddies little peanut" with an elephant. I looked over at Sal with furrowed eyebrows as he shrugged his shoulders.

"What?! Even though she may have puked all over me, doesn't mean she's my favorite little girl!" Sal exclaimed.

"Mhm, Yeah. Get your ass in the shower." I laughed.

A few minutes later, I finished Ellie's bath and made sure that I had everything that I needed around me. Quickly, being careful of Ellie's safety, I laid out a towel on the counter next to the sink. I picked up Ellie and placed her on the towel and dried her off, making goofy noises and faces. I slipped the diaper on her, put the onesie on her body, then took her to the living room. Sal had finished his shower and changed, meeting me in the living room as I walked in.

"Give me my daughter." Sal said, holding out his arms.

"Are you sure you want her?" I asked with a slight laugh.

"I'm pretty sure I do." Sal smiled. "It's just puke, I have to deal with it."

I handed Ellie over to Sal as he carefully held her in his arms. He bounced her, carefully so she wouldn't puke again, over to the couch, where he sat down gently. I came back with a towel in my hand, placing it on Sal's shoulder.

"Just is case." I said with a smile.

Sal gave me a small smile as he placed his daughter on his shoulder, patting her back softly. I walked over to my vinyl record and started to play soft 90s music. The first song started to play out as Sal patted nodded his head to the song. I joined him on the couch, allowing Frosty to jump up with me as I started to read my book. Next to me Sal started singing the song into Ellie's ears as she slowly started to fall asleep.

"'Welcome to your life, there's no turning back. Even while we sleep, we will find you acting on your best behavior, turn your back on Mother Nature, Everybody wants to Rule the World.'" Sal sang quietly.

"You should sing more often, Sal." I commented with a smile.

Sal turned his head to me with a smile tugging his lips. "I will continue if you don't mind."

"I wouldn't mind at all." I replied back with a smile.

"'There's a room where the light won't find you, holding hands while the walls come tumbling down. When they do I'll be right behind you. So glad we've almost made it, so sad they had to fade it. Everybody want to Rule the World...'" Sal sang again.

Enveloping myself into my book, I didn't realize that the song was almost over and Sal had stopped singing a long while ago. Looking up to check on Sal and Ellie, both of them were asleep on the couch. Sal had his head back while his arms were wrapped tight around Ellie, who slept on his chest. I even noticed the dogs were asleep on the ground and the couch with us.

I got up and shut off the vinyl, then shut off the lamp on the table beside the couch. I woke up Sal gently without waking up Ellie.

"It's time to head upstairs and go to bed." I whispered.

Sal nodded as he got up, still holding Ellie in his arms. Sal walked up the stairs and headed to the nursery as I walked into our bedroom. I climbed into the sheets, getting myself comfortable. Soon after the bed dipped and two arms wrapped around my waist. A kiss was placed on my shoulder as Sal's chin rested upon my shoulder.

"Everybody wants to Rule the World." Sal sang into my ear, before both of us fell asleep.

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