Ch. 40

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I can't remember the last time I was so in love with someone. It may have been when I was twenty five with my boyfriend at the time. We used to go to all these crazy parties and make out. We had our romantic moments, he would take me out to dinner, and then we would get desperate and impatient and have sex later that night. It never was a steady or healthy relationship, and I knew what it was like to run around with a man who wasn't growing up. I wanted to settle down, he didn't. Until finally, he left, and I wasn't disappointed. He was going to find someone else to party with, and I was going to find someone to settle down with. But I never thought it would be neighbor across the street.

Sal had his charms beck then, and I didn't really find him that attractive. Maybe I said so before, but thinking about it now, I didn't. He looked like he didn't care about his appearance. He had no beard, always cleanly shaven, and his hair was poofy, as if he didn't cut it for a year. He wore baggy clothes, and it understood that. It was fashion, and everyone got onto the trend. But as soon as Sal left his beard grow out and that hair be gelled back, I knew I was falling in love with this man. So, I became close to him, and we hit it off as friends. And it stayed that way for many many years. I wasn't attracted to TV Sal, I was attracted to "real life" Sal. The man who made jokes with his friends at home and played stupid board games with. The one who invited me over just because his friends made a big fuss about wanting to know about me (even though they did). The one who broke my heart twice and didn't want to see me again. The one who helped make this all happen, and who I was in a relationship with. The one who was going to be the father of our child.

The one I want to be my husband one day...


Sal had been sneaking around lately. Whenever I would get home, Sal would be fresh out of the shower with a cheeky smile. I would ask him what he would be doing and he would reply with something different. Today was he went for a jog, which I highly doubted it. If Sal went for jog, it would be because Joe is chasing him around. That's about it. Other than that, Sal never runs. It's very rare that he will. I just shrugged it off though, picking up Frosty and petting him in my arms. He's fully grown, but it doesn't mean I can't pick him up.

"How was your day today?" Sal asked as I plopped down on the couch with a groan.

"It was okay. I told my clients I would have to start taking off soon. With the baby coming in two months and we still need to finish the nursery, I told them that I have only three weeks until I'm off." I replied giving Frosty a kiss before letting him go.

Sal came back with a Snapple in his hands for me. I thanked him as I opened it up. "Are you going to bring down the winter clothes yet from the attic?"

I swallowed what was in my mouth. "Soon. I just need time to just relax." I thought about something else to. "It's November, so that means we have to get the Christmas tree down as well."

Sal gasped. "It's going to be our first Christmas living together! How exciting!"

I smiled. "It is exciting." I watched as Lady jumped on the couch and laid down, placing her head on my ankle.

"Are you okay?" Sal asked with a concern face.

I shook my head. "No. I'm honestly starting to feel the full effect of this pregnancy. I want this thing out of me." I grumbled.

Sal chuckled. "Two more months and you're done."

I groaned, placing my head back on the couch. Charlie came up to the edge of couch, wanting some attention. I put my hand on her head and pet her behind the ears. Sal had Frosty in his lap on the recliner, turning on Netflix to watch his shows. I eventually fell asleep, not caring about those at the moment.

One Last Chance | Book 3 | Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now