Chapter 39, Will they see each other...?

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*Yami's POV*
"Yami lying in bed all day isn't going to help you, get out and come to the pool," Marik said to me from the end of my hotel bed. This bed, ever since we got here it's been my sanctuary hiding me from everyone else. Is this what love feels like? To feel lost and like you have to start over with life?

Because that's exactly what I've been like, ever since Yugi left. My Yugi...Ra I miss him. Each and every day, I miss him so much. I knew this was gonna happen as soon as he left but if he stayed he would of just been more hurt. I haven't talked to him since he left, figured he wouldn't want to talk to me since I hid stuff from him. I just wanted to help...and I ended up hurting him even more. I don't the right to say I love him for what I've done.

My phone beeped off and Marik grabbed it from the bedside table, I heard him gasp from what was on the screen. "What? Someone post something about some other group getting together?" I asked and rolled over to fully see him. 

"It's the human panda," he said and came to me and brought the phone screen to me. A single message, he messaged me. After 2 months of silence, he's messaged me. I-I didn't want to be the first because I thought he was done with me. "What do you wanna do now? Cause I can see it you want to see him, and he probably wants to see you as well."

"We can't do anything right now. Ra you're so right but we can't, he's back home in Domino and we're here in Australia. And there's no way I could just leave and get him the next concert is right around the corner and my dancing has been slipping, "I said. I would do anything to have him here, in my arms or even just sitting with me. There has to be something we can do, to either get me to see him or for him to come here if he wanted. 

*Marik's POV*

He's been so broken since the whole thing went down, but me and Bakura have been working on a plan. Because we both knew that they were going to want to see each other again, it was only a matter of time. "Well if you miss him so much here, message him back and see where the conversation goes, I'll be back in a bit," I said and put his phone on the side of his pillow and went out. Time to put this plan into action. 

I got to my shared room and flopped down on the double bed. "Hey Bakura, we were right. They miss each other, we gonna talk to Atem soon and get the ball moving?" I asked and rolled on my back and reached up to grab his hand. This is something we haven't really told the others about, but it's not like we're hiding it. Just choosing to see who notices us which should've been noticed a long, long time ago. 

"I'm already two steps ahead of you. Went to him, talked and have a date set. Wanna know something else?" he asked and put his book down. "When's the last time we went to Hawaii?"

"It's when we were on that t.v show wasn't it? What does Hawaii have to do with this though we never talked about it?" I asked.

"Well when I had the talk with Atem, he said it's been a while since we had any sort of fun. Also since we're so close by to it and the next concert is not until near the end of next month in the U.K he thought we could have two days to ourselves," he said and I shot right up. Two days to ourselves and in Hawaii? This is the perfect chance! "I think you get it now, huh?"

"Hell yeah! And getting Yugi to Hawaii is gonna be so easy! Man I can't wait to see him again, feels like a year since we've seen him," I said and smiled as big as I could. We all missed him, no doubt that Yami missed him the most though. I just hope Yugi has had the time to gather himself and maybe remembered to try and smile not matter what. 

I shifted myself up to the top of the bed while Bakura turned the light off and rolled over to me. "We're gonna bring them back together, and we both know they're gonna cry," he said and we both laughed. I wonder though, if Yugi spends time with us will he want to come back on tour with us? We still have the U.K to get through also Canada and  Germany, if he did it'd be his choice but I hope he is feeling up for it. I'd love it if he came back, Yami is not the same on stage without him. We're all not the same without him.

*Atem's POV*

"And sorted," I said and clicked the pay button. The tickets paid, the hotel sorted and activities planned for the kids. Only thing left to do is to get Yugi to come, and I have just the plan. But it's kind of, a bit much. 

"I don't think that this is a good idea to bring him here, he might freak out," Seto said and sorted through his deck on his bed. He never puts them down, ever since he left. No matter what he says though I know he misses him. "Telling him we need him because Yami is screwing up, might be a bit harsh."

The plan is to tell Yugi that Yami has been really messing up in his dancing and we were hoping he'd come and try help him. It's not as bad as the others are making it out to be. I dialed his number and hoped he'd answer. "Hello?" I heard. Bingo.

"Yugi listen to me before you do or say anything, I want your help with something," I said and he shut up. "Yami hasn't really been keeping up well, he hasn't been getting up to speed well and he keeps slipping up while practicing. I was hoping you could come and give him a little motivation?"

"Um....sure? But I don't know how I'm getting to Australia at the moment. I have nothing packed, nothing booked and no tickets to get there," he said and oh if only he knew. 

"You forget who I am Yugi, I can get the tickets sorted out and you can stay with us. It's only two days so it'll be fine. I appreciate this so much Yugi, but how have you been anyway?" I asked making small talk. After a while we made it that he'll be getting a plane around about 12 tomorrow morning so he'll get to the airport around about 12-1 in the night here. Me and Seto will get him, the others should be asleep by then. 

OOOOOO Marik and Bakura scheming away! In the story they're definitely a fan of the puzzleshipping!! After a whole 2 months Yugi is returning to the group, well not returning but he's seeing them. In Hawaii! How will that go?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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