chapter 9

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Previous chapter - the misunderstanding between kunj and twinkle.

Abhi,kunj,twinkle, Alisha and yuvi are having breakfast quietly, yesterday night kunj spent the night in his study room because of the fight he had with twinkle.

After breakfast twinkle was heading to her room when she stopped as she heard yuvi talking happily on the phone and mentioning her name.

Yuvi talking happily on the phone : oh man,she has such a soft skin and an astonish fragrance.

The man said to yuvi : but yuvi, how is it possible........I mean twinkle will not allow you to touch her.

Yuvi said to him : you know this is what we call it that, I have hit one stone to two birds.

The man asked yuvi : meaning? how?

Yuvi said to him : when kunj came to the house, he spent 2 hours in his study room while twinkle was taken a bath,so I switch of the whole house light and entered into kunj's room and hug twinkle from the back and kissed her neck and run and hide behind their curtains and switch on the light and at that same moment kunj entered the room.........both fought with each other and I listen to the entire conversions.

Someone turn yuvi and slaps him two times and that person was twinkle. Twinkle was standing there with rage in her eyes.

Twinkle said to yuvi furiously : you moron,how dare you causes misunderstanding between kunj and I, you are the most disgusting man I have ever seen in my life.......l am going to tell kunj that you are the one who did that.

Twinkle was about to go when yuvi said to her : go on sweetheart, go and tell kunj everything, you think after what you said to him he will trust,sweetheart no, you shouldn't have even married a loser like him, may be he is the one who takes care of the sarna company but still he is a loser, I'm far more sexy and handsome done him.

Twinkle pointed her finger and said to him : how dare you yuvi,may be you are the most sexy and handsome man in this world but I don't give a bam,I will expose you yuvi.......before I never wanted to accept kunj as my husband but today I twinkle taneja accept kunj sarna as my husband and I will expose you, this is the promise of twinkle kunj sarna.

Saying this twinkle left the room and went downstairs when she saw kunj living for work but stopped him in the midway.

Twinkle said to him : kunj I want to apologize for yesterday's incident......( pause and took a deep breath ) was yuvi,he is the one who did all that happened yesterday but I misunderstood and.........

Kunj said to her : enough twinkle, not another word against yuvi.....first you accused me for trying to get close to you and the following day you tell me that it was yuvi and you think I will believe you, come on,may be it was you, you want to trap both of us but it won't happened...... ( pause and took a car key and gave it to her) will be going to college within a few minutes, so take the car key and make sure to come to the house early as this evening we are having a party for the company.

Twinkle said to him : then I will not be going to college, I will handle all the preparations here.

Kunj said to her : no miss,by the time you will reach the house everything will be ready as professional decorators are going to do it.

Twinkle said to him : OK but kunj what I was saying about yuvi is true.

To twinkle's surprising kunj folded his hands and said to her : please twinkle, stop with your nonsense, I don't want to hear anymore of your lies,please.

Twinkle was shocked and kunj left there. Twinkle climbed upstairs and saw yuvi smirking at her and giving her a winning smile while twinkle looked at him furiously and went to her room to prepare for college.

Next chapter - the party in the sarna mansion, bulbul and pragya came to the party.

tashan - arranged marriage ( Completed )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora