chapter 20

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Twinkle and Kunj entered the house, twinkle straightly went to her bedroom as she feel very weak and tired. 😥

Twinj room :

Twinkle lies on the bed and falls asleep in no time.

Kunj said to sleeping twinkle : what is the matter twinkle, you look very pale I don't like to see you like this.

After sometime kunj heard some noise downstairs, he went there and saw that usha and abhi has already return .

Usha asked Kunj : how is twinkle Kunj?

Kunj said to her : she is sleeping mother, I wonder what is wrong with twinkle?

Usha said to him : leave it Kunj, tomorrow take twinkle to the hospital for cheek up.

Kunj nods.

Usha said to him : go upstairs Kunj, when dinner is ready I will inform you.

Kunj nods and went upstairs.

Abhi asked usha : do you think twinkle is sick?

Usha said with a smile : may be a good news is going to come very soon, if my doubt is confirm....twinkle is......

Abhi confusedly said : doubt confirm, what is the good news?

Usha said to him : is a surprise, come on, go and take a rest, I will call you when dinner is ready.

Abhi nods while usha stands there happily.

After sometime all are presence at the dinning table.

Usha asked twinkle : how are you feeling now twinkle?

Twinkle said to her : my eyes are feeling so heavy mother, I want to sleep again.

Kunj said : what nonsense, you just slept to almost 6 to 7 hours and you want to sleep again.

Twinkle shouted : so what, don't I have the right to sleep and you are saying it nonsense.

All were shocked with this sudden fight.

Kunj said to twinkle  : what wrong with you twinkle, why are you shouting?

Twinkle said to him : I'm not shouting Kunj..... I'm not interested in this food, I will go and prepare a sandwich for myself.

Saying this she left from there to kitchen.

Usha said to Kunj : you shouldn't have question her sleeping habits kunj.

Kunj said to her : but mother, I was just saying the fact.

After sometime twinkle came back with a sandwich, she took her seat again and started eating silently.

Twinkle said to a maid : can you please bring me rare mango.

The maid said to her : I'm sorry ma'am but there is no rare mangoes here.

Twinkle said to her : then go and look for some.

Kunj said to twinkle : is very late twinkle and where do you want her to get the rare mangoes from, you can wait tomorrow she will get it for you.

Twinkle stood up and said : first you were questioning me about my sleeping habits and now you don't want me to eat the food I love.

Saying this she walked upstairs angrily.

Kunj confusedly said : what wrong with twinkle, she is behaving very weird.

Abhi said : looks like she has come to angry habit.

Twinj room :

Kunj changed into a night wear and took his side of the bed.

Twinkle got up from the bed and slept on the couch, midnight Kunj open his eyes and saw twinkle sleeping on the couch uncomfortably.

Kunj said to himself : she is unpredictable because we have an argument she slept on the couch.

He got up and carries her to the bed.


Twinkle open her and saw that she was sleeping on her bed.

Twinkle said to herself : if I'm sure, last night I slept on the couch but how did I reach here.

Kunj came from the bathroom and said : I carried you to the bed because you were sleeping uncomfortably on the couch.

Twinkle throw her face some where else and said : I never told you to carry me to the bed.

Kunj sat beside her on the bed and said : why are you behaving like this twinkle?

Twinkle said : I don't know Kunj, I don't know why I'm behaving like this.

Kunj smile and said : you are so weird twinkle...... Any get freshen up and let go downstairs for breakfast.

Twinkle nods and went to the bathroom.

After sometime, twinkle and Kunj started descending to downstairs, twinkle started getting everything around her blur, she felt very drowsy and started swinging in the air.

Usha looks upstairs and saw twinkle swinging in the air and shouted : Kunj watch out!

Kunj turns around and saw twinkle almost slipped from the stairs and with fast carries her in his arms as twinkle fainted.

Twinj room :

The doctor came out of the room and saw everyone worried faces.

Kunj asked him : what is wrong with my wife doctor?

The doctor said : these are common in stages like this, morning sickness is common in this stage.

Usha happily opens her mouth and said : so my doubt is confirmed, she is expecting.

Both abhi and Kunj was very confused.

Kunj confusedly said : expecting, twinkle is expecting someone that is why she is very nervous due to that she fainted.

Usha hit kunj's head and said : foolish son of mine...... Your wife is pregnant .

Kunj said : come on mu...... Wait, you mean my wife is pregnant, I'm going to become a father.

The doctor smile and said : yes, Mr Kunj, you are going to be come a father, congratulations.

Kunj out of excitement hugs the doctor and said : thank you so much doctor.

They broke the hug.

The doctor said to Kunj : every two weeks time, you have to do cheek up with twinkle, I will write the medicine she needs for you and please take very good care of her as this is her first time and will be having morning sickness very badly.

All nods and the doctor write the medicine twinkle needs and abhi and usha excolt the doctor to the door while Kunj went inside his bedroom.

tashan - arranged marriage ( Completed )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon