chapter 25

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Kunj in a hurry carry twinkle to the hospital bed and hope that nothing happened to both twinkle and the baby.

After sometime the doctor came out of twinkle's room and saw both Alisha and kunj walking here and there, Kunj saw the doctor and went to him.

Kunj said to the doctor : doctor, how is my wife and baby?

The doctor said to Kunj : what happened was very bad but it is a miracle that both twinkle and the baby are safe and sound, more over please take care of her.

Kunj happily said to him : be rest assured doctor.

The doctor smile and left there.

Alisha said to Kunj : I'm very sorry Kunj, because of me you almost lost your wife and child.

Kunj said to her : no Alisha is not your fault it was mine but now we have to do everything in a hurry as when twinkle regain conciouness, she will be pretty hurts and I have a feeling that something bad is about to happen.

Alisha said to him : I hope all this drama will come to an end soon and both yuvi and Jerry will be put behind bars.

Kunj said to her : I hope so Alisha, I hope so.

Twinkle open her eyes slowly and saw Kunj, abhi and pragya looking at her worriedly.

Pragya runs to twinkle and said : are you okay princess?

Twinkle fade a smile and said : yes sis, I'm perfectly fine.

Pragya angrily and said to her : is this the way to take good care of yourself and your baby.

Twinkle said weakly : I'm sorry Sis.

Pragya asked twinkle : but why did you fall just like that, is not logical right!

Abhi said : yes I absolutely agree with pragya, what exactly happened?

Twinkle started sobbing and pragya hugs her.

Pragya worriedly said to her : calm down twinkle, what happened, why are you crying?

Kunj interupted and said without any expression : I want a divorce twinkle!

All looks at him shocked.

Pragya furiously said to Kunj : what nonsense Kunj?

Kunj said to her : I'm not talking nonsense, you heard me right.....i want a divorce.

Abhi furiously and disgusting said to him : are you mad, you are about to become a father and you are getting divorce from the person you love, aren't you ashamed of yourself..... Leaving your wife, what do you want the society to say about our family, how will mother, mum and aunt sarla react to this..... I can't believe I'm your brother, I hate the day I became your brother.

Kunj took a deep breath without anyone noticing and said : I..... I no longer.... I no longer love twinkle.

Twinkle looked at Kunj shocked even her tears has stopped, she has no emotions left in her.

Pragya furiously said to Kunj : you moron, I hate you.... I hope you rot in hell, you will never have peace in your li.....

Twinkle interupted : no sister, don't curse him, weather he has forgotten or not he is the father of my baby and I will never wish ill for him..... ( said to Kunj)..... You don't love me anymore Kunj, and I understand that, I will accept the divorce if that is what you want, you can go back to Alisha and the child she is carrying for you.

Abhi and pragya shockingly said : what!

Abbi asked twinkle : are you sure about what you are saying?

Twinkle nods and explain everything to them.

Kunj said to them : no you know everything, I will go and prepare the divorce papers.

Saying this Kunj left the room in a hurry, unable to bear twinkle's tears.

Kunj went to the washroom and started crying badly.

Kunj said while crying : I'm so sorry twinkle, I know that I am hurting you but this is for the well being of both you and our child..... Don't worry very soon we will be together again, very soon.

Next chapter : twinkle is no longer Mrs twinkle Kunj sarna but miss twinkle taneja.

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