chapter 21

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Kunj entered the room and twinkle asked him impatiently : what did the doctor say, I'm i really that sick?

Just then usha and abhi entered into the room and smiles to each other.

Kunj happily said to her : the doctor said that, we are soon going to be parents, you are pregnant twinkle.

Twinkle furiously said : what? That can't happen, no, no this is not possible.

All looks at her shocked.

Twinkle furiously sat on the bed and said : this is unfair kunj.

Kunj came to her and asked her : why twinkle, don't you want to be a mother?

Twinkle pout and said : you fool how can I say that, I don't want to be a mother, I should have been the one to tell you that I'm pregnant not you, this is so unfair.

All took a deep breath.

Kunj said : you almost took my breath away twinkle.

Twinkle got up and said : now all of you get out of my room.

Abhi said : why?

Twinkle shouted : can't you just understand one thing, get out of my room and go to the hall, I will come there in a few minutes.

Kunj said : but....

Twinkle warning : Kunj.

All nods and went out of the room.

After sometime twinkle walked downstairs and saw everyone looking at her with tense faces.

To everyone's surprising, twinkle hugs Kunj said happily : I'm pregnant Kunj, you are going to be a father.

Kunj happily said : I know twinkle and I'm so happy.

Twinkle pushed Kunj and used her Palm to hit her forehead and said : you dumb and foolish husband of mine, act like you don't know and let the case be settle.

Kunj said : oh I see.

Twinkle said : come on do it.

Kunj said dramatically : really twinkle, I'm going to be a father, I'm so happy.

Twinkle smiles happily and hugs him while abhi stood there numb with twinkle's behavior and looked at usha and she gave him the same expression.

All sat down.

Usha said to twinkle : I have called your mother, aunty and sisters about the good news so we are organizing a small dinner party for the two families.

Abhi said : wow, this is going to be so much fun.

Twinkle nods.

Usha said to Kunj  : Kunj take twinkle upstairs to take a rest before the party starts.

Kunj nods and twinkle got up.

Abhi said to twinkle : go and sleep drama queen.

Twinkle turn her head and said : I'm i a drama queen?

Abhi said to her : more than drama queen, you are an expect in drama.

Twinkle angrily looks at him and said : kunj let go from here, your brother is irritating me.

Kunj said to abhi : bro you better don't irritate my wife.

Abhi said funnily : sure Mr Kunj sarna, I will not irritate your wife.

Twinj room :

Kunj and twinkle entered their room.

Twinkle said to Kunj : I will be starting work on Monday Kunj.

Kunj said to her : no you will not go anywhere.

Twinkle asked him : why?

Kunj said to her : because you are pregnant and anyways you don't have to work as we have everything.

Twinkle said to him : but Kunj, I have to have my own personal work and that is why I went to college.

Kunj said to her : but now you are pregnant and I can't take risks.

Twinkle said to him : I sit in office but don't carry concrete.

Kunj said to her : whatever is it my decision is final.

Twinkle furiously said : but is my decision Kunj and you don't have to interfere in it, I have never stopped you from going to work and why do you have to stop me.

Kunj said to her : I'm a man so I have to go to work.

Twinkle said to him : what are you trying to say Kunj?  You mean women should dance to the tune of the husbands.... Before you married me Kunj, I was an independent woman and I will always be.

Kunj said to her : have I ever force you to do something, I have always given you freedom and you are here talking about wife dancing to the tune of husband, I don't believe this.

Kunj kept the room angrily while twinkle slept on the bed with no expression on her face.

Next chapter : kunj's change behavior.

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