Ω Chapter 18

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† Serena's POV

"You look happy... okay if you are, that means you killed someone... that means I'm gonna need to bail you out of jail soon. I better tell Chad, and Nash." Cameron shook his head pulling out of his phone.

"I'm not happy I still hate everyone." I said sitting down in my seat in front of him at the table. Cam, and I are currently getting food.

"Yeah... but Matthew Espinosa?"

"You see Cameron Dallas, I Serena Grier have a list of all the people I hate, and Matthew Espinosa is at the very tip top of that list." I said and took a bite from my waffle.

"Okay Serena Grier why are you saying everyone's last name?" he laughed.

"Shut up," I took off a chuck of my waffle and threw it at him. He laughed and threw back, and we just both sat that there in our fits of laughter.

"Where do I fall?" he asked.

"I would say like five or six," I shrugged.

"Wow you know I'm not the biggest fan of you either," he smiled.

"Yes no one is the biggest fan of me," I rolled my eyes, "I'm not that offended, but hey keep trying." I laughed.

"So did you, and Matt... do it?" he asked. I looked at his face for a moment, and noticed there was a hint of jealousy.

"First off we didn't even sleep in the same bed, second; gross no." I said holding my two fingers up, "you're going to make me puke everywhere, and I love keeping my food down." I noticed his expression was a relived one now.

"Well I say you hurry, and eat so we can say bye to everyone." he looked at his phone.

"Don't rush me with this beautiful creation in front of me." I scoffed, "food needs to be enjoyed, and fulfilled with love." I shrugged, and took a drink from my coffee.

"Serena," he said. I glared at him, and shoved what I could in my face. "attractive," he said sarcastically.

I finished what I had in my mouth...

Not in a dirty way....

I threw the napkin down, and stood up.

"You didn't have to eat that fast."

"Cameron!" I laughed.

"Serena..." he looked up at me. I sighed sitting back down.

"I want to leave, and never see anyone here again." I crossed my arms.

"You're a ball of sunshine."

"I'm fucking hardcore, and punk rock... get me out of here." I said.

"Serena calm down." I sighed, and looked at my phone. I went on twitter, and everything was blowing up. I got more hate then usual. I laughed, and enjoyed every single one.

"Oh hey guess who's Matthew's new trophy!" I said sarcastically.

"I hope it's me!" he exclaimed.

"No it's Obama." I rolled my eyes, and went through Matthew's twitter, "oh look my fav! Okay ready," I cleared my throat, and read through twitter, "bitch back off Matthew he's mine don't touch him." I started laughing.

"I love how you take hate."

"From people behind a screen who could probably never say that to my face... yes I'm so ever offended." I rolled my eyes.

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