does he know

346 7 13

??? pov

I love him, he doesn't love me, I know he has a girlfriend. he probably doesn't even care about me, these thoughts drove me to depression. everyone hates me, I get bulled alot, he pretends to care even though I know he doesn't. I cut and I haven't came out of my bedroom for a week, me 'friends' tried to get me out. he hasn't tried, and has the only one that can get me out. my room has nothing in it, I put everything I could into the closet, everything else got thrown out the window. there is writing am over the walls, I haven't cried though, I never cry. I havn't took of my bandana. no one seen me without it. "did it's been a week plz come out?", there he was the devil him self, the only way for me to get out. I stood up and unlocked the door then went back to where I was curled up in a corner. " plz let me come in, I want to know your ok" "it's unlocked" I said, i don't like being weak, so I never cry, and I've never stuttered. it who I am. he opened the door, it was to dark for him to see me, I got rid of any light other than the window. he was looking at the walls, I wrote on them, I wrote in hand writing he won't be able to tell what I wrote. it's mainly his name multiple times and about him, thats it only him. "??? where are you" "anywhere and everwhere" it was so empty my voice echoed, I've been talking to my self so I'm never alone. "what" "here" I said standing up, I looked like normal green and white striped shirt, jeans, and my hair was the same as always like I haven't been here for week, I had a green hoodie on with the hood up, my bandanna looked darker, because of my eyes, the darker my eyes are the darker the bandana is. "how do you do that?" "what" "your hair and outfit look just a perfect as always." " why are you her anyway" I growled the added, "shouldn't you be with your girlfriend" "she broke up with me, she was abusive, I wanted to talk to you and she wouldn't let me" he teared up a bit. I pulled him into a hug. "then what do you need in here" I saw your stuff thrown out the window I wanted to know if your ok, I missed you. everyone does." "ok then I'll come out" "wait what, they said they tried all week to get u out and now your all ok with it?" "yah, i was waiting for you to come get me" he started blushing "everyone down stairs they came over because of the break up" "then let's go" I went down be hind him. he went to the living room to talk with everyone. let me explain, everyone as in: mogi, spency, lucas, nathan, and moose. "guys I have a surprise for you" "well what is it" lucas asked "come in" I walked in, everyone jumped me in a hug. "God it was only a week, calm down" they let go. "how can you be alone in your room for a week and still act the same?" "hahaha" I laughed looking down. everyone backed up. "how can I act the same, why it's easy. do it the same way I have my entire life." I said, my voice lower and scarier than normal. I could tell everyone was scared, but I didn't care. "you want to see what happened in that week, then you will understand why I'm acting this way" I said my voice normal but still looking down "w-what" spency asked "follow me" I said then started walking to my room. they all were in my room when i turned on the lights. on my walls was words writ in blood. things they can't understand. my closet I opened to see everything perfectly set in there, my OCD kicked in there. I walked over to the window and opened it to show most of my stuff out the window. "haha your not prepared to see the bathroom" I chuckled darkly. everyone flinched other than him. I opened the bathroom to see blood everywhere the bathtubs completely filled with blood, on the window was his name writ in fancy cursive, everyone can understand that I know. there was razors all over the floor. a rope in the sink. "h-hoe did t-this happen In a w-week" he said, I chuckled. "you can do anything you put your mind to" everyone left the house claiming they need alone time. "can I tell you something" he just nodded. instead of saying something I push him in to the wall kissing him. I pull away "I like you a lot" he just looked at me and said "I like you to ???" "will you be my boyfriend" "of course, but may I ask you something?" "sure" "can I see your eyes?" I looked at him, then looked down taking my hood off. I began to untie the bandana, it drops into my other hand, I hold it tighter and sigh. I look at him, i have gray eyes right now, they change when I feel a emotion strongly. I have three marks over one of my eyes, don't ask. " there amazing" I just covered my eyes again and kissed him.

-eplog thingy- (my pov)

the two boys got married two years later, the first one still has never been seen crying. the second one is the same as always.... except they did not have normal jobs. the second one was a master hacker, number one in the country. the first one, well he was a mass murderer. amazing at his job to, but everyone he killed he killed for a reason. together they were basically unstoppable. they loved their life and their friends didn't know about there jobs. Nathan and moose got married, mogi and spency are dateing, Lucas has a girlfriend. things were great for the young couple. a year later they had a baby girl. she way amazing and had one gray eye and one blue. she would grow up to be a assassin like her dad. now they had everything they could ask for. now what were there names you may ask? they both had fake names, only they now each other's real names. why the fake names were Shark and Infinity. why the first one had the name infinity was a mystery. now Infintiy his his real name to hide who he real is while Shark hid his because he didn't like his name. now what were there real names....

why it's saber and Andrew of course.


well this is a extra long one. anyway did you like it? I tried doing something different. well bye!😄😄

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