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(so I don't know where I'm going with this so ya, I'm sorry if it's cringe)

saber pov-

I had just finished a video, I went to the living room to see no one home. perfect. I walked in to my room to grab something, glitter. I went back to the dinning room and dumped some glitter on the table. when ever I'm alone I or am stressed  I would play with glitter. i know I'm such a child, but it's... calming. its the way to get rid of stress, it's better than self-harm or something. I hate my life, so I play with glitter. the world could be ending but if I had glitter I wouldn't care. I hear the door open but I didn't care. I continued to play with the glitter, the color reminds me of shark. I heard the person come into the room but I was in a trance so to say. I just continued to play with the glitter watching it sparkle in the light.

"saber?" ah shark was the one that came in. "hm?" I hummed in response not really paying attention. "what are you doing" I looked at him, "what does it look like?" I went back to playing with the glitter. "playing with glitter, but why", "have you never played with glitter?" I asked as I started to clean the glitter. "no, why" I looked at him, "haha then you wouldn't know. I find it oddly calming" I said looking down. I then started walking to my room to put the glitter away. I had never let shark into my room, my walls have glitter on them, my bed I'd covered in glitter from when I play with it. there's glitter everywhere, I have fairy lights hung up around my room. it looked like a fairy wonderland. so you can imagine how sharks face lit up when he saw it. I put the glitter away and said, "beautiful right, I spend most of my life working on this room." I had put pictures on the wall of drawings I made, some colored with glitter. "woah, how did you do this? it's amazing" I chuckled and said, "heh lots of hard work that's how. and it's not that good" I looked away, I was blushing of course, "it amazing, why did you never show this" I saw him looking at me from the corner of my eye. "glitter is so childish, I was ashamed." I said, i just realized how tense he looked. he sat on the bed, I went and sat next to him. he was looking at a drawing I made of him. "who made that?" he said, I looked at him, "i did, I drew every thing in here" I said softly, I was usually very loud so this shocked him. I was very calm and quiet when it came to glitter.

I started to massage his shoulders. "you shouldn't be so tense, what happened" I said softly, he relaxed under my touch. "just some people being idiots, after a while they finnaly got into my head" he said quietly. I just continued to massage his shoulders, "you shouldn't let them get to you, if you ever need something I'm here", he smiled at me. that's when I heard the doorbell go. I stout up and said,"you should change your covered in glitter and I'll get the door" he nodded and went to his room. I went out and locked the door.

I opened the door to see, nathan. "hey! whatcha doing here?" I said loud and happy like normal. "I need your help, is anyone else here?" he looked worried so I calmed down. "sharks here why what's wrong?" I asked. "ok I need to talk to you and shark can be there I guess."

"so what do you need?" I asked, we were sitting on the couch now, shark was sitting on a chair on the side. "I need relationship advise" Nathan said. "ah I see why you came to me" I said nodding and sat up more, shark just looked at me in shock. "now who might the special person be?" I said, I already knew who it was. "seóirse" (for those of you who don't know that was Irish) ah I knew it. I nodded, "wha?" shark asked. "he said it in Irish, know what are you having problems with ionatán" I said smirking, he hated his name in Irish. he glared at me, "anyway, I get nervous whenever I'm around him and every time i talk to him I daydream about things I shouldnt and zone out" he rambles on.

"ah young love." I said, "bro really" shark tells me. " on a real not do you happen to have a stress realiver? you tink about this to much and your getting tense, if you get to tense you can hurt yourself" I say softly, I walk around behind him and massage his shoulders. he tensed up, "ah I see" I said calmly and walked to sit back down. "why Nathan what's your favorite thing, that does not involve him?" I asked looking at him. "drawing probably" he said looking down, "hmm, you should draw more then, draw your feelings. if you need you can come here if you want, when you want to draw. I have a room you can use." I said. he nodded, "c-can I draw now?" he asked shyly I nodded, "follow me and close your eyes, and shark you can follow" they nodded, nathan closing his eyes. I lead them through my room, "nathan stand still for a minute" he complied.

I went and got some glitter, and went to the wall and opened a door I had hidden. i opened the door, "shark lead Nathan here" I called out. I walk towards another door and this one had a hand scanner. I poured glitter on my hand and put my hand on it, letting us in. shark watched in awe.

I walked in and closed the door, "hello sir, how may I help you today?" a voice over head said. Nathan and shark jumped. "nathan open your eyes. guys meet rose, rose meet shark and Nathan." I said calmly, "who's rose?" Nathan asked looking around, it was a plain white room. "rose is a machine I built in here, if I'm stressed or just need someone to talk to I come in here. rose was programmed to do anything I ask" I say calmly, I put my hands in my pocket. "rose please set the room to calm nathan" my voice was stern, yet caring. "yes sir" rose replied

the room started changing, the walls were light green and there was a table In the middle with colored pencils and blank paper. the walls were lined with art supplies of all kinds. "woah" Nathan said. "you like it? you should rose was made to only do the best" Nathan nodded "did I do well sir" rose asked, "she's very polite" shark commented. "she could do the same for you" I told him. "can she?!? I want to see" "rose change to andrews calm room" I said, using his real name.

the room changed again, the walls turning light blue. there was a chair in the middle, the walls covered in weapons of all sorts. "ah, what a interesting thing. I haunt seen this in years." I mumbled. "saber what's going on?" Nathan asked worried. 'rose, let me say this next thing. I know it's a lie' I told rose in my head. 'yes sir' "probably just a bit of a mistake. it's fine" I told him. "rose, please back to Nathan's." I told her. "yes sir"

once we were back into his room I said, "you have fun, well be back later. rose I want you to serve him, please do as he asks. if something I wrong you know how to get to me." I said, and walked out. we went to my room, we talked for a bit then started a movie. I got a call from rose a little bit later, "whats wrong?" I asked, "he asking about someone not in my files, I don't know what to do. he pacing around the room." she said, "I'll be there in a minute" I told her and hung up. I walked into the room and saw Nathan pacing the room. "what happened?" I asked, "i explain...

-few minutes earlier 3rd person-

shark and saber had left the room when Nathan asked rose, "can you show me sabers calm room?" he asked. "who's saber? he's not in my files." she asked confused. "how do you not know who saber is?!?!" he asked then stood up and started pacing.

-bact to now, sabers pov-

ah I see. "first why did you want to see my calm room?" I asked. "I wanted to see what made you calm so maybe I can help you In the future." he said looking down. "I'm not mad, and my room is one, under a different name and two, even if you say the correct name it won't work" I say, "why wouldn't it work?" he asked. "it already exists, if your calm room exists than it won't work."

"you should go home" I told him he nodded and left. I walked out to see Andrew still asleep on the couch, I nealed next to him and shook him. "hmm?" he groggly asked. "hah you can't sleep like that you'll hurt your self" I said in a soft quiet voice. "ok" he said getting up. "where's nathan" shark asked. "i sent him home. he was hitting into things he doesn't need to" I said in a stern, cold voice, he shivered. "w-what do you mean?" he stuttered, he never stutters! "he tried to find my calm room" I said in my normal voice. "ok, can I see it then?" "mabye"

you probably hate me now, I didn't know how to end it!!!!😭😭 peace✌

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